T-28 for FS9 and one for FSX.....
http://www.virtavia.com/Freeware/index.php then sort by date
Thanks guys!
http://www.virtavia.com/Freeware/index.php then sort by date
Thanks guys!
And this time I KNOW thery are new to freeware (Beaufighter and Hornet) because I bought one of them just a few months ago and the other last year!
I suspect the F-8 Crusader Is new to freeware.
Oops. I'll let Phil know. :mixedsmi: Thanks for spotting that.Thanks for the news!
BTW, at this very moment, the Beaufighter and Hornet are still offered as Virtavia payware at the FlightSim Store and PC Aviator LOL.
The Hornet (and some other Alpha planes, MB5) have a prop disc that is not textured, but instead made up of materials with varying levels of transparency, IIRC. If you zoom in close, you will notice the disc is made up of many shaded triangles, apex at prop centre. Nothing much can be done bar using MDLmat to adjust transparency of each material.JamieHi guys!First things first, thanks for virtavia`s guys for the freewares!Now I have a question for you guys: while flying the Hornet into fsx the props llok very very ugly like a dark disk, is there a fix?Thanx in advance!
Has anybody got Morton's repaints for the Alphasim Beaufighter because i am getting an error mesage when i try to download the repaints.
Regards Paul Day.