New to CFS3 and SOH


Charter Member
Hello everyone! :wavey:

I just joined Sim-Outhouse due to my new interest in CFS3.

I am very familiar with IL-2 1946 and have multiple installations that are heavily modded so I am able to work with file structures, using notepad to edit config files, etc. I also own WOFF, but have never played CFS3!

I would like to learn how to mod-up CFS3 from the members here, get advice on downloads and useful tips, etc.

It looks to me like CFS3 is similar to IL-2 1946 in that there is a huge body of mods/add-ons and it is not something I will learn overnight but I would like to start learning so I don’t use mods that step on each other, etc.

My first questions are at the 50,000 ft level. So far I have not installed CFS3 (other than for use with WOFF). All I have been doing is reading and accumulating CFS3 mod files. Eventually I'll want to get ETO, PTO Solomons, PTO Rising Sun, MAW, and Korean Skies all up and running and I think I have all the correct core mod files for them. I purchased CFS3 from and it comes already updated to v3.1 (today I also found a v3.1a update that I have downloaded but not installed). I also found the FirePower update and have it.

1. Do I need to create stand-alone installations for all 5 versions: ETO, PTO Solomons, PTO Rising Sun, MAW, and Korean Skies, or do some/all stack on top of each other in a single installation?

2. Should I install the v3.1a update to my v3.1 version with each installation I create, or is it needed in some/all/none of my installations.

3. Same question for FirePower. Should I add FirePower to v3.1 (or v3.1a) automatically before I start to mod it up to ETO, PTO, etc. Not sure where FirePower fits in the equation?

Looks like there are a million more bits and pieces to consider as time goes on, but want to get my mind around the base installations of all the major mod packs first.

Thanks in advance for your help!
Greetings, Kodiak! Welcome to a world of continually expanding possibilities! CFS3 is capable of enormous modification, a lot of it in easily edited xml-based files. So it sounds like you are already well-equipped to do the necessary things, from past experience.

To do justice to CFS3 you will need to be methodical and not try to do too many things at once. Take lots of notes if you need a prompt later on. I embed a simple txt file in each of my installs, to remind me of the state of play (eg. modded to 3.1a standard). So to answer your questions my first recommendatoin is to create a clean install patched to 3.1a. This will enable CFS3 to handle multi-engined aircraft.

All your subsequent stand-alone installs will then be to 3.1a standard.

Next question is Firepower. This is now a dated addon, its main value nowadays is some of the aircraft which are not found elsewhere - some German jets and the Me 410 for example. However it adds an extra layer of complexity as it uses guns which are not required in any other stand alone install, so care will be needed to port over guns weapons pylons from FP aircraft if you wish to fly them in other theatres. PTO addresses this by provideding a Firepower package to complement the porting over of specific aircraft for the theatre, such as the B-24. Nowadays you can find some lovely newer examples of freeware aircraft such as the B-24.

If you put in Firepower to the base clean install, then every time you use the base to create a stand alone install (the base files are copied over to create a new folder for RS, PTO, MAW etc) some of the fxtextures/effects/sounds whatever will be overwritten by more recent versions.

1. Do I need to create stand-alone installations for all 5 versions: ETO, PTO Solomons, PTO Rising Sun, MAW, and Korean Skies, or do some/all stack on top of each other in a single installation? All stand-alone although these days someone good with gsl.lib and global_layer files and .bat files, could theoretically install numerous packages in the one install, but it would be a huge task and I don't really see the point.

2. Should I install the v3.1a update to my v3.1 version with each installation I create, or is it needed in some/all/none of my installations. Do it once for a good base copy from which the addons created

3. Same question for FirePower. Should I add FirePower to v3.1 (or v3.1a) automatically before I start to mod it up to ETO, PTO, etc. Not sure where FirePower fits in the equation? Firepower is older but still has a few goodies if you persevere, perhaps install the whole package (upgraded to v 1.8) into a stand-alone folder without any stock cfs3 files in it. From there you can pick and choose what to add to which theatre. There are a host of FP skins out there if you look, which may make some planes suitable for theatres like MAW, in addition to the ETO.

Just to summarise, a whole lot of reading will help you but of course some patience is required. Take a look at the stickies above, there are plaenty of guidelines and notes on SDKS, patches and other goodies, in the stickies at the top of this forum.

The most recent big improvements have been provided by Ankor, who has modded the D3D8 file to provide some remarkable visual improvements to shadows, water, etc but there are as you comment a host of scnery mods which transform the look of some theatres.

So all the best, lay in plenty of vittles and time, you will need lots of time... :wavey:
Thank you, Daiwilletti, that gives me a good game plan!

It took me about a year to get my mind around everything I wanted to do with IL-2 1946, so I'm in no hurry. In fact, half the fun of a sim like this is getting it modded up :)

I'll put FirePower on the back burner and start on just one stand-alone. I never tried any Korean War add-ons with IL-2 so I think I'll start with Korean Skies for something completely different!

I also really like the multi-engine planes, in particular the bigger ones, so I'll be all over those at some point. It looks like there are a lot of good ones for CFS3!

Last getting started question...All I've collected so far are the major mod packs I mentioned in my OP. Are there any top-shelf "must have" mods I should look at right away. I've got a pretty strong computer so I guess I would be interested in any hi-res terrain, water or cloud enhancements first. Would be interested in everybody's opinion on this as I know it is often a matter of individual preference.

Thanks...I really appreciate your help :encouragement:

P.S. I'll be figuring out how to add Ankor's DirectX Converter pretty soon as I've already got it up and running in WOFF and I hear it works with CFS3 also.
Well I hope others contribute their best/favourite add-on ideas. For scenery the top ones that spring to mind for the European Theatre anyway (stock and ETO) are Jb v3 scenery and von Oben's wonderful 7 seasons scenery, which is more complex to install because it requires installation of Windingman's Scenery Manager.

For gameplay (ahem) I have uploaded a modest set of tweaks to some xml files designed to increase your AI wingman's performance in campaign play. This is a package tested in ETO but many of the files are transferrable to other theatres (eg. the meshbuilderbudgets v2 file). The tweaks to pilotattributes.xml and AI performance in the uisel.xml are easily transferrable.

When enemy Aircraft and AA are working properly, CFS3 becomes almost as much of a pain to fly as WOFF :biggrin-new:. Especially when flying aircraft with later flight models, like Pat's Bob, or ETO where AvHistory v4.0 FMs are used. When trying to out-turn pesky enemy AI in an aircraft threatening to drop into a deadly spin at any moment, the hum-drum of over-familiarity with easier FMs soon drops away :dizzy:.

Hi guys...thanks for the welcome!

Ok, I didn't know about a BoB add-on so will put that on my list.

Also, I hit my first bump in the road. I can't update to v3.1a and I think I've figured out why. I puchased CFS3 as an electonic download from GoG last year. It is a version 3.1 "no-disk" required to run. The v3.1a update error message says it has found the exe but it has been altered. So I'm guessing my only solution is to buy the original CD version to be able to update to v3.1a which is no problem as I can find it on eBay for about $10 USD. Has anybody else run into to this? Is there a v3.1a update for the "no-disk" version? I've tried 3 different downloads of it and all are giving me the same error message.

Thanks again!

P.S. How important is v3.1a? The only thing I can find is that it is a multi-engine fix and I like multi-engine planes so I'm thinking I'd better get this solved.
Welcome Kodiak,

Seems to me that the 3.1 patch (4,274Kb) was for four engined a/c and
the 3.1a (172Kb) was to fix gauges on the stock B-25 or B-26.
Some DVD versions came already patched, I had heard.

Why not try downloading a Lancaster, B-17 or B-24 to see if your version works?
(or see if you can join a MP game as they are flown patched)
Hi guys...thanks for the welcome!

Ok, I didn't know about a BoB add-on so will put that on my list.

Also, I hit my first bump in the road. I can't update to v3.1a and I think I've figured out why. I puchased CFS3 as an electonic download from GoG last year. It is a version 3.1 "no-disk" required to run. The v3.1a update error message says it has found the exe but it has been altered. So I'm guessing my only solution is to buy the original CD version to be able to update to v3.1a which is no problem as I can find it on eBay for about $10 USD. Has anybody else run into to this? Is there a v3.1a update for the "no-disk" version? I've tried 3 different downloads of it and all are giving me the same error message.

Thanks again!

P.S. How important is v3.1a? The only thing I can find is that it is a multi-engine fix and I like multi-engine planes so I'm thinking I'd better get this solved.

you are right, the 3.1a update requires the original cfs3.exe of 5 mb, the no disk version is around 4 mb and will not work with the update. if you just put the 5mb one in and run the update and then replace it again with the no disk all is well.
pm me and i will help you
you are right, the 3.1a update requires the original cfs3.exe of 5 mb, the no disk version is around 4 mb and will not work with the update. if you just put the 5mb one in and run the update and then replace it again with the no disk all is well.
pm me and i will help you

Thanks for the info, ganesh! I've ordered a CD version of CFS3 on eBay and should have it middle of next week. I'll send you a PM but I think I understand what you're saying: The update doesn't alter the exe, but just checks for it then updates other files in the installation. So I can swap the CD exe for my no-disk exe in my install, run the update, then go back to my "no-disk" exe for gameplay.

In the mean time I'm playing the stock version and I like it! Just nice to see the different art style of different sims for one thing, so it is a nice change from IL-2 (CFS3 is immersive in a different way). Will be fun to start modding it up when I can update to v3.1a next week.

Thanks for all the welcomes and info!

P.S. Turns out I don't have FirePower. I thought it was freeware like most of the other content I've found but turned out I had downloaded a giant 30MB trailer for So I'll not buy it right away as it sounds like there are more recent options as Daiwilletti explained above.

Question: I'm also thinking the same may be true for D-Day 1944: Invasion of Europe. It was published around 2004 or something like that and is not freeware. Would the ETO add-on pretty much make D-Day 1944 redundant content?

Great to be a member here! :encouragement:
Thanks for the info, ganesh! I've ordered a CD version of CFS3 on eBay and should have it middle of next week. I'll send you a PM but I think I understand what you're saying: The update doesn't alter the exe, but just checks for it then updates other files in the installation. So I can swap the CD exe for my no-disk exe in my install, run the update, then go back to my "no-disk" exe for gameplay.

In the mean time I'm playing the stock version and I like it! Just nice to see the different art style of different sims for one thing, so it is a nice change from IL-2 (CFS3 is immersive in a different way). Will be fun to start modding it up when I can update to v3.1a next week.

Thanks for all the welcomes and info!

P.S. Turns out I don't have FirePower. I thought it was freeware like most of the other content I've found but turned out I had downloaded a giant 30MB trailer for So I'll not buy it right away as it sounds like there are more recent options as Daiwilletti explained above.

Question: I'm also thinking the same may be true for D-Day 1944: Invasion of Europe. It was published around 2004 or something like that and is not freeware. Would the ETO add-on pretty much make D-Day 1944 redundant content?

Great to be a member here! :encouragement:
We also fly online games everyday on If u have trouble joining in ip-games post a message and many will help you get everything sorted for online play. It all depends on the operating system you are running.
We also fly online games everyday on If u have trouble joining in ip-games post a message and many will help you get everything sorted for online play. It all depends on the operating system you are running.

Ok, ganesh, I'll take a look at sounds fun!

So far I've got Ankor's DirectX Self Shadowing, SweetFX, the WOFF Aris Cloud mod and the 4GB memory patch installed on my v3.1 stock version of CFS3 and all is running well and it looks great! Can't wait to start modding it up :encouragement:

I really appreciate everyone's help :joyous:
Well, I got my CD version of CFS3 and was able to update to v3.1a today and then decided to start modding with the ETO add-on, and all I can say is...

WOW!!! :applause: :jump: :applause:

I'm actually glad I was stuck with the stock version for a week to help me better appreciate the ETO add-on!

I just want to thank everybody who contributed, big or small, for their wonderful work that became the ETO add-on.

I feel like I want to tell everybody about it, but you already know! Its immense, its beautiful, its deep...its an amazing body of work!

Thank you for helping me get started and I'm sure I'll have more questions as time goes on, but I'll put this thread to rest now.
