New to OFF


Charter Member

This is my first post in this thread. I mainly hang in the CFS2 thread.

Ok I really want a WW1 install on my comp and this OFF I keep hearing about seems like the way to go. So where can one find out how to get started? I plan I getting a copy of CFS3 soon because I think you need that to run OFF.



hi, and welcome

if you want off2, (previous version) pm me with your address, and ill send you a copy (freebie)

if you want off3 (latest and best), go to and purchase it there.

and your right, you have to have cfs3 for off. If your lucky enough to have the ubisoft dvd version, it doesnt have to be intalled for off3, but i belive it has to be installed for off2. You cannot have an off2 and off3 installation on the same computer.
hi, and welcome

if you want off2, (previous version) pm me with your address, and ill send you a copy (freebie)

if you want off3 (latest and best), go to and purchase it there.

and your right, you have to have cfs3 for off. If your lucky enough to have the ubisoft dvd version, it doesnt have to be intalled for off3, but i belive it has to be installed for off2. You cannot have an off2 and off3 installation on the same computer.


Yeah I jus noticed that there is an OFF 1, 2, and 3. Is there a big difference between OFF 2 and 3 cause I'll roll with 2 if its free. (college student = always broke)

Is OFF 2 like a disk add-on or can you get it from the internet?

Howdy Jeremy and Welcome to OFF

In any case you'll need CFS3

You could send a PM to SITTINGDUCK for a DVD of Phase 2 ( only on DVD ). If that's the case . . . Read this

Or if you're into it . . . go here

yeah I was thinking about picking one up on ebay.

pm has been sent and is on its way!

man I'm excited for this!
Yeah I jus noticed that there is an OFF 1, 2, and 3. Is there a big difference between OFF 2 and 3 cause I'll roll with 2 if its free. (college student = always broke)

Welcome aboard, Jerm. I'm new here myself, so never had OFF 1 or 2 (usually called P1 and P2--phases). By all accounts from the old-timers, OFF3 (P/phase 3, also called Between Heaven and Hell, or BHaH) is significantly better in many important respects than the older versions. P2 apparently had a couple of planes that didn't make it into P3, but they might show up someday as an expansion, provided OBD makes enough money on P3 to stay afloat.

And that's the whole rub. OBD's been building OFF for many years now, and P3 is the 1st chance they've had to get any return on their investment. So in all honesty, you really should buy P3 just to support a very deserving bunch of guys. Go ahead and try P2 as a demo, but if you like it, please buy P3. If you ever played RB2/3D, OFF P3 is like that only moreso :).

P3 is just an
Welcome aboard, Jerm. I'm new here myself, so never had OFF 1 or 2 (usually called P1 and P2--phases). By all accounts from the old-timers, OFF3 (P/phase 3, also called Between Heaven and Hell, or BHaH) is significantly better in many important respects than the older versions. P2 apparently had a couple of planes that didn't make it into P3, but they might show up someday as an expansion, provided OBD makes enough money on P3 to stay afloat.

And that's the whole rub. OBD's been building OFF for many years now, and P3 is the 1st chance they've had to get any return on their investment. So in all honesty, you really should buy P3 just to support a very deserving bunch of guys. Go ahead and try P2 as a demo, but if you like it, please buy P3. If you ever played RB2/3D, OFF P3 is like that only moreso :).

P3 is just an

yeah i'll start with P2 first

first i'm off to get my copy of CFS3:rapture:
I noticed there's two kind of CFS3 games out there one is with some company called xplosiv and the regular one i always see in stores. so you guys think i sould roll with the dvd one by xplosive?:jump:

wish i could tell you if there is a differnce between the 2 pics you posted or not, but from my experience looking for that ubd dvd for people, i did notice that you have to be careful in making sure you are getting a dvd or cd.....99.9 % of the explosive ones are cd's, even thou they somewhere indicate is a dvd...

I have insalled O.F.F with the Xplosiv 2 disc CFS3 no problems at all. You need CFS3 patch 1.3 and disc2 in your PC to run O.F.F.
Welcome Jerm
"Xplosive" one I've used but it is 2 x CD
"Exclusive" one (by Ubisoft) is a DVD and much better but harder to find.
There is apparently another DVD one but I forgot the name.