New to your site.....



Boys and Girls,

I wanted you to know that I am new to your site. A friend of mine put me thru to you guys (bobp). I am a real pilot and I also like to sim, good for the instrument work.. I have always been into warbirds. I have been down loading a bunch of your wonderfull paints for the last few days, I am a P-51 nut and have been lucky enough fly in them a few times. I do most of my flying in a SNJ.

I have heard that Bomber 12 was the creator of the warbird sim P-51. All I can say sir is right on!!! You do feel like you are in the real thing.. To all the other painters and modelers, keep up the great work!

I am big into the current restored versions of the mustangs and jugs. I may have a request one day!! I just wanted to say hi and this will be a lot of fun getting to know everyone and sharing some stories and learning more about the great things that you do!!

Ron :wave:
You will find that, after some time, you will make this your sole home for flightsim and only occasionally go elsewhere for something.
This is my "Morning Paper". Welcome, stay and enjoy...:ernae:
Howdy and welcome. Feel free to drop by the Quartermoon Saloon when you feel the need to blow off steam, or just debate a bit !!

We have a few apprentice debaters all the way through to a few well known master debaters. . .

welcome! this is THE best forum for FS, because of the tight and talented community. I'm always "star-struck" by the number of developers that posts here...
