New Turbo Commander


Found these over at Simviation. Nice model and decent flight characteristics out-of-the-box, VC, and new sound. Can't wait to spend some time in the pit.

You will need to grab the freeware IZArc un-zipper like they say because will call it corrupted. It is easy to use, just bring over the zip file, and extract it to a folder of your choice. But leave the highlighted boxes checked. Found that out the hard way.
Is this the Venaviones version of the airplane ??? I have had a 690 with VC and the little winglets from them for a long time. The bird is a little hard on FPS for some reason, but that is why they give you a Lite version.
If they have updated the package that would certainly be great news.

It's just the Venaviones Commander repainted with the model, panel and sounds included. No update other than new skins.
From the blurb on SimV:
This is the Rockwell Turbo Commander 690 of Veneavioens Group from Venezuela, a macnific model with reg.YV1841,(model included) Model by Veneaviones Group, Texture by Gustavo La Cruz. (Note:: requires a zip utility such as Izarc (free from - default Windows zip tool will report as invalid) BTW, WinRAR will unzip this quite nicely so no need to grab a diff. archive program.

From the Veneaviones EULA included with the original model:
You may not reverse engineer, decompile, or disassemble the object code portions of
the Product. You may not use or modify any portion or part of the software product for
any purposes. You can not upload the product to any other website but AVSIM. The
upload to web sites that charge money for downloading services (i.e. is
strictly prohibited.

I just downloaded one of the files from SimV and it does not include any of the original Veneaviones docs, just a read-me that says, in part (translated):
"I want to make a great recognition them to veneaviones offer this excellent airplane to us, although it is a somewhat old model, continues being one of best freeware available in the Web."

Attached pdf files are from the original download...

Veneaviones had a very specific policy about use of their model that got a lot of people annoyed because of their insistance on AvSim, but after a lengthy discussion on SOH (before the last crash) it seemed that most people could live with it.. apparently not all. So, I'm going to say that, while nice repaints, someone either does not read "boring crap" like policies, or just figures that good intentions are more important. The Veneaviones website is here:
Their forum seems to be hosted at FSNordic.. maybe...

Yep, that's a pretty restrictive EULA. But I'm not suprised at SimV's hosting the files anyway. They've played fast and loose with repackaged files that I had copyright in the past.