Were you aware that your stand alone has an Avhistory FM and weapons and is not a repaint of the stock tempest?
Again like i said on top of this thread it was a mistake to upload them yesterday already these plains you see here are my work and they are stock airplains of the CFS3, i was on TS with captain witers when i did the spitfire ixe and today i did the tempest over again an made it an stand allone there is no structure on the plain thats from av hystory on this uploads the only thing i replaced on these uploads are the sounds of the plain thats all.
The following uploads are not all my work and that explains the typing on the uploads alsow my thanks gows out to the ones that mede the plains (5.97 Meg) (downloaded 32 times)
These plains are made for the 1st F-SQ BE Raiders It is a FICTIONAL Squadron name, for my knowing it never exsisted an made service in WW.II.I formed the Squadron as an social group to go online on IP Servers via SOH.This plain is not a standard issue on CFS3 it is adviced to install it on a different installation then the reggular one. (second install for CFS3)and getting online TO INSTALL UNZIP COPY OR CUT AND PASTE in the AIRCAFT FOLDER on your CFS3 Install!!!! It is been tested and works great, but it is in the first place free ware and the use of it is on your own risk besides that
i realy want to make a point on the install that you do it not on your vanilla CFS3 but on a second one if you do install it on the vanilla it will not be any proble as long as you let it be afterwords, if you do delete them your CFS3 will be corrupt at the end. This plain the supermarine Spitfire IXC is the standard squadron plain of the BE Raiders squad. (NO CALL SIGN) The use of it is unlimmited but it is made especially for members that will join my social group on SOH to play online and practice.
The credits on this plain is not all on my self! I had help on making it an stand allone this is the doing of Steven190 a Member from SOH and im realy gratefull for the time he made for it. T
he credits of the structure gows to Bill "SPITFRND" Wilson It is based on the stock CFS3 spitfire ixc visual created by Microsoft but it is added and modificated on the based AvHistory 1% Aircrafts The CFS3 1% aircraft are designed to be flown at the "HARD" Single Player Realism Options and Flight Model settings in the game. All Pilots Read this! =================================== If you don’t know what trim is or how to use it, please start reading about it. You will need to know about elevator and rudder trim to get the most out of your aircraft. If you can trim the aircraft for any speed/configuration for hands off flight in under 3 seconds, you’re ready. If not, practice, practice, practice, practice, practice! Second, you need to learn how to use the rudder. This is where rudder pedals are worth gold. What ever you use for yaw control, practice, practice, practice, practice, practice! Third, the concept of Vmca is introduced to the multi-engine aircraft. You need to get a feel for how the aircraft handles at low speed with the loss of an engine. The fidelity of the 2.82 flight models is very high now in the "normal" flight part of the envelope and are capable of doing all the basic flight maneuvers. If you go to the pilot shop at your local airport there are several books that show you how to do the basic maneuvers. William Kersher had some excellent books on flying the aircraft through the basic maneuvers. YOU MUST RECALIBRATE YOUR JOYSTICK ON A REGULAR BASIS. Do not fly with an uncalibrated joystick. Many, many pilots are missing out on the full flying experience because their joystick is not giving them full control deflection. Ever wonder why some people can out maneuver you on the ZONE, this is why. We cannot stress how important this is. Please spread the word so others can enjoy the full flight modeling. New for V2.82.100 1. It is recommended that you cancel the use of the Auto Mixture feature which will degrade the performance of the 1% aircraft and use the key strokes to manually control the engines. 2. Having neutral trim set to the aircraft's corner speed allows you to have direct feedback on the aircraft in relation to the aircrafts corner speed (the speed where the aircraft's rate of turn is fastest). If after you trim to corner speed the aircraft wants to nose down, this feedback is telling you the pilot the aircraft is falling below corner speed and you need to speed up. If the aircraft tends to nose up, this feedback is telling you the speed is climbing above corner and you need to slow down. Note: if you fly with nose up trim above corner speed, you can over-G the airframe. Remember, the CG will still change as you burn fuel off or expend ordinance. You must pay attention to the tanks fuel and ammo status and keep trimming to keep the aircraft CG balanced as you consume fuel. the sounds are alsow modificated to make it more realistic the credits on the sound part gows to Peter J.Dowling New and improved Spitfire sound for CFS3. These sounds were taken from an actual Spitfire and formated to fit the game. The flap and gear lever were sounds were recorded as well. To enhance the aircraft more I included the wind effects and mellowed the wep. This is a big improvement from the last time I uploaded these sounds. I increased the volume of the engine slightly to give everyone a slight feeling your actually in the plane...and the Fly-by's are very realistic. Just unzip the spitfiresound folder and place my sound folder in the Aircraft- spitfire_ixc...and that's it! Make sure you drag out the original stock sound folder on to your desktop in case you don't like my sounds for backup. Any comments e-mail ( aka LuftwaffeOberst- Peter J.Dowling; The last credits gows to my self the rapaint on the spitfire is my own and i realy did some time to figure this out with the help of some poeple on SOH i managed to make this my first own repaint. On that part i want to thank Capt. Winters & pilotsden for the advice that they given me i hope uou all like it and i see you in the sky maybe against me or with me but we gonna have some fun (thanks for downloading my spitfire) Geatings Axenti (Kevin) PS: Make a note that the skin is already uploaded here this is the whole aircraft now anjoy
and alsow this one (4.96 Meg) (downloaded 26 times)
but they are no good anyways so like i said on top of this thread all that has downloaded them i advice to delete them, so im sorry for that mistake on my part, my bad