New upgrade for Savoia Marchetti S73


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Hi friends,

I've just uploaded this on avsim, flightsim, simviation and soon also on SOH:

This is the 2.1 upgrade package for the Savoia Marchetti S.73. You need to have already installed the "". Main changes are: 1) New gauges, more realistic than previous. 2) Some details of exteriors and V.C. controls are revised on all SM73 variants. 3) A bug with FSX fixed. 4) Sounds retouched 5) A new livery of the Regia Aeronautica added.

Thanks Stephano, great to see you stil found a way to improve this already stunning model!

Perfect "Timing"; yesterday I've reinstalled all my SM fleet, S73, S79 and S81 and SM84 included. For some reason I've been flying the S73 more frequently than the others. Thanks, I'll have to check it out asap! BTW, how do you start each engine? there's not individual starter (at least in the version 2)
Perfect "Timing"; yesterday I've reinstalled all my SM fleet, S73, S79 and S81 and SM84 included. For some reason I've been flying the S73 more frequently than the others. Thanks, I'll have to check it out asap! BTW, how do you start each engine? there's not individual starter (at least in the version 2)

Thank you! There is a pop-up panel for magnetos, fuel levels indicators and individual starter levers.
In real S.M.73 there was a little combustion engine which compressed air to a bottle for engines starting. There was three levers (like in simulation) that they opened air compress valves for each engine.

In this version there's also a pop-up panel with a modern ILS equipments, if you like flying in a modern way.
I've just saw that...thanks! BTW, did passengers had oxygen masks for cruise flights over 10000 ft? interesting. And awesome sounds set.


I've just saw that...thanks! BTW, did passengers had oxygen masks for cruise flights over 10000 ft? interesting. And awesome sounds set.


Yes, these planes often had oxygen masks, signaled by the G.Q. symbol, it means "Grande Quota" (High Altitude).

This is actually one of my favorite aircraft to fly. The model that I have dosent have any interior gauges so I pretty much guestimate my air speed and altitude. I also installed the sound from the Ford Tri-Motor into these files for a more realistic sound package. I dont remember what sound came with it initially; I think it was for a Cessna or something. I really like the Tri-Motor sounds so its a perfect fit. I would love some gauges with this aircraft so I'll be looking for this in the near future. Any particular site to look on or will it be uploaded here?
This is actually one of my favorite aircraft to fly. The model that I have dosent have any interior gauges so I pretty much guestimate my air speed and altitude. I also installed the sound from the Ford Tri-Motor into these files for a more realistic sound package. I dont remember what sound came with it initially; I think it was for a Cessna or something. I really like the Tri-Motor sounds so its a perfect fit. I would love some gauges with this aircraft so I'll be looking for this in the near future. Any particular site to look on or will it be uploaded here?

Strange, my SM73 is complete of gauges and sound. Try to reinstall the main package "" and then this "" following instructions written on "readme". You should have a cockpit like my screenshots. Check if in your "Gauges" folder there is the ""
Odd that I dont have anywhere listed in my gauges folder. I guess I'll have to find where I got it from and download it again. Problem is that I have no idea where I found it. :banghead:
Odd that I dont have anywhere listed in my gauges folder. I guess I'll have to find where I got it from and download it again. Problem is that I have no idea where I found it. :banghead:

Check the panel folder inside the "S73_V2_common" folder, it might be hiding there.

Thank you sir.

On edit: Still didnt work. I tried several different things to get the gauges working but no good. I guess I'll just deal with it. Thanks for the assistance. I do love the way you can see the rotation of the props, especially when playing with the throttle. I think this is one of the main reasons why I love this aircraft. I'm wondering if there's a way to get the props exactly like that into other aircraft...
On the version 2.0 "" the gauges file is "" and it's located into the "S73_V2_common\panel" folder. With the update 2.1 replacing (you mustn't remove the 2.0 version files) the gauges file is "" and it's into the main "Gauges" folder. All sounds are into "S73_V2_common\sound" folder.
Original ""?

Where can I find the "" file? (Not the update)...I have searched and cannot find it! Thanks,

Its available at

FS2004 (ACOF) - FS2004 Early AircraftFS2004 Savoia Marchetti S.73
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Size: 22,189,066 Date: 12-18-2007 Downloads: 3,124


FS2004 Savoia Marchetti S.73 v2.0. This is the FS9 model of the Savoia Marchetti (SIAI) S73 or SM73, an elegant thirties Italian transport aircraft. Entirely rebuilt from v1.0. Main upgrades are: 1) Completely new Gmax model(s), with improved details, animations and texture realism. 2) A new texture map allowing more flexible repaints. 3) More accurate flight dynamics and reference notes. 4) Original sound package added. 5) New panel with metric gauges. 6) Historical documentation and handling notes are added. The package contains six texture sets, each with own model file with four different engine types in flight dynamics files. The liveries provided are: Ala Littoria (two liveries), Avio Linee Italiane, Nucleo Comunicazioni LATI, SABENA and Regia Aeronautica 605-3. Complete package with model, panel, virtual cockpit, texture sets and sounds. Models, virtual cockpit, sounds and panel by Stefano Meneghini, paints by Manuele Villa, flight dynamics, info and handling notes by FSAviator.