New Version Lockheed L-1649 Starliner


Charter Member 2010
Dear All

at AVSIM you find our next version Starliner


Full VC
New Flight dynamics
many other things improved

It is a FS2004 SDK model which works also in FSX quite well
Please **** otherwise you may be in trouble

Give it a try

Roland aka thunder100-->Starliner Team
Phew, what a beauty. Thanks Starliner Team!

The house livery from the beta release still works too. :mixedsmi:
She's absolutely fabulous. A real gem and a pleasure to fly. To me the best model for 2008 (at least for FS9; I don't fly FSX).
Brilliant job, guys!:applause::applause::applause::applause:

Wow the new virtual cockpit looks really sweet :isadizzy:
Will download it tonight ! Thanks for the hard work, guys ! Very appreciated ! :applause:
Absolutely brilliant work!!:ernae:. I'm usually not a big fan of commercial tubies but this one is a definate keeper. Flies like a DREAM! (Provided you have read the manual). The VC is especially nice and very frame rate friendly. This model ranks right up there with Javis and crews' excellent F-86 Sabre. The Commercial Aircraft equivalent, and among the best freeware releases for 2008 IMHO:applause::applause::applause:

Thanks for this classic jewell fellas, much appreciated!

Truly a dreamship, worthy of being payware Roland. Version 2 is exquisite! :applause:

The VC cockpit sounds and artwork are just fantastic.

And like the Hawker Hunter, there is just no way to take a bad screen capture of any Connie, from the L-o49 through the L-1649. My hat's off gents, but don't look, my head will blind you in broad daylight! :costumes:

I have to agree with everyone here. This version is my favorite and it seems to be the only aircraft I've flown since the origional download. I just love it.
Actually, loading this up, I dont have a VC and my sound dosent work. In fact, it will load whatever sound from the previous aircraft I fly. This aircraft is set as my default flight so I have to choose something else first just to get sounds. The flaps and gear have sound but no engines.

I'm not sure if its my system or what but I've tried deleting and redownloading it.
Can't find it at AVSIM. What is the file name that I should look for. I did a surch for the Starliner Team though no luck. Please let me know how you are finding this aircraft.
The default sound is aliased to the FS9 default DC-3. If you don't have that one it would explain why you are not getting sounds.

Two ways to fix it..copy the entire sound folder from another airplane with big radial engines into the Starliner.
Go to AVSIM and search for And follow the instructions in that downloads readme.

As for the NO VC...make sure you did not accidentally select the new NO-VC model which was included for people that have less than current PC hardware or simply don't like VCs.

I mostly fly Warbirds, and GA. I normally don't fly kerosene burners, or heavy iron tube liners. Typically I don't consider them any fun.

BUT, like the recently released F-86, I'll make an acceptation. Fantastic work to all involved. :jump:
I normally don't fly these big birds either, but after seeing all the positive posts in this thread, i had to go try it.

And glad i did! What an amazing aircraft! Thanks for all your hard work.
