Charter Member
Well, I want to make a new video in Sony Vegas featuring the Iris Mig-29, and the cobra manuever, I was thinking of using "Electric Romeo" as the music (it was used in the video, "Air Dynamics") which I thought would go great. Basically it would start off with the mig starting up, taxiing and taking off. It will fly around, doing fancy manuever, neat passes, formation, formation breaks, and such, then at the slow part in the middle of the song, I will find a cut-scene to explain the cobra manuever, then the rest of the vid will be basically that. I have contacted the author of AIR DYNAMICS to see if he think I this is stealing his idea or not. SO, should I go on with it if I get word it's ok? or do you have any other idea's?
Thanks. -Chuck-
Thanks. -Chuck-