New ways to have fun with CFS1


Charter Member
Welcome to this thread.

My main objective here is to show you another way to have fun with CFS1; building things.

Consider this as a hobby, a pastime activity, not as a tutorial on making macros for scenery or making aircraft to fly with. That said, you may just end doing just that!

With the help of a few programs, all free, we will build simple visual objects that can be integrated as static or moving objects into the game. As we go along, structures will get more complicated but, I hope, the learning curve will be very progressive. As I have other activities, time between posts should be irregular and sometimes quite long, but each of them will leave you "enough meat to chew on". Don't hesitate to experiment on your own while waiting for the next installment.

Feel free to ask questions or give your own views on the matter. My assiduity to this post will be directly proportional to the interest it generates. If no-one is interested, this first post may well be the last.

We will work mostly with MDL files, the core of any CFS1 aircraft. So, a short description of it is in order. If you go and open an "aircraft container" (Microsoft® sophisticated way of calling an "aircraft folder") in your CFS1 game folder, you will probably find something like this;

View attachment 35383

This is a "basic" P-51D aircraft container (sorry for the "ugly" W98 style) without any changes.

The P51d_CHECK.CFG file contains the checklist, not always present in all aircraft. It can be opened an modified with at TXT editor, providing that you have privileges to do so.

REMARK; From Windows VISTA and on, you need "user account" control to dabble into configuration files. This apply to all CFS1 CFG files and may apply to other files as well.

The P51d.dp file is also a text file, containing the damage profile. It is also taking care of weapons and special effects.

The P51d.CDP file only exist if you have flown this particular aircraft. It is a "digest version" used by the game engine (COMBATFS.EXE) to speed things up. If you open it with a TXT editor, you will find that most of the inscriptions are not for human consumption. It is never edited. You can delete it safely; it will remake itself next time you fly this plane.

The P51d.air file is taking charge of the mechanics of the aircraft. It can be read and edited with specialized programs (AirEd, FD Editor, AirWrench, to name a few). We don't need to do that for now.

The texture sub-folder contains the textures applied to your specific aircraft. Note that stock aircraft have a "fall-back" set of textures in the main CFS1 texture folder. So, if you emptied the aircraft texture folder, chances are your aircraft would still be painted! With an add-on a/c, you would get unpainted surfaces. The CFS1 main texture folder is also used for buildings and statics objects textures and, since stock aircraft can be used as static objects, their textures can be found there as well. It seems that the game searches first in the aircraft container for textures and, by default, goes to the main texture folder. These textures are using the exact same name but are usually of lesser definition quality.

The sound sub-folder contains a sound.cfg file and, often, WAV (wave sound) files. If you only have a sound.cfg file, chances are your aircraft is using the sounds of another aircraft by aliasing to it. This is a good way to save disk space. The sound.cfg file can be read and edited with a TXT editor, the WAV files with a sound editor.

The panel sub-folder also has a configuration file; panel.cfg. If alone, your panel is probably aliased to another aircraft. You can open and edit this file with a TXT editor but I would recommend the use of CFGEdit, especially for beginners. It is a WYSIWYG environment that makes more sense. Our good friend smilo is an expert in panel configuration and do his own with a TXT editor. I do mine using both methods. The panel sub-folder may also contain BMP files which are used for 2D panels. The panel.cfg file will call these visual elements as well as GAU gauge files, found, in CFS1 gauges folder, to create interactive 2D panels (and 3D non-interactive panels in some cases). There would be more to say on the matter, but this is off-topic... at least for now.

Almost last, but not least, the model sub-folder. Again, we have a configuration file named, here, model.cfg. It can be opened and edited with a TXT editor. Let us have a look into it;


; body - predominate color on plane
; wing - color of wing, flaps, ailerons
; altbody - two tone body part

Under [models] header, we have two MDL files being called. The "normal" represent the model as we see it most of the time. In fact, especially in add-ons aircraft, it is often the only entry in the file. The "crash" model contains the "body parts" that we see flying of an airplane loosing a tail, a wing, and so on.

The [colors] header is the remains of an old texturing technique. The "stock" Sopwith Camel is using it to its full extent. If you want to know more, go download my add-on to be found HERE .

The XYZ.mdl file is, as previously stated, the core of any CFS1 aircraft. As I just said, it is often the only other file with the model.cfg file in this folder. This is what we will be working with most of the time. This is our bread n' butter for what we will do, so we will explore it in depth.

If you open it with a txt editor (WordPad will do), you will find a lot of gibberish with tidbits of comprehensible language. Here is the first line;

View attachment 35384

Apart from "This program cannot be run in DOS mode.", not much to make of it. But this little information is useful to learn that, in fact, a MDL file is a program! Without going into details (which, for the most part, I'm ignorant of anyway...), an MDL is a DLL-like program. If you look a bit further, you may find this;

View attachment 35385

In all these hieroglyphics, you can at least understand "P51Tex2.bmp" and "P51Tex1.bmp". These are parts of calling instructions for textures. This is what I referred vaguely to as "the game" in the texture sub-folder paragraph. The MDL file, when used by you or the AI a/c, is a program being called by COMBATFS.EXE, itself calling textures. In fact, it does much more; it contains spatial coordinates indicating pitch, yaw, roll axis, speed, altitude, collision "bubble", gear extension, flaps extension, air brakes... the list goes on. Following that section, the visual model is being called by a BGL-like section, where the textures callings we have seen are being made.

You may have heard of BGL files before; they are commonly found in scenery folders. The type of visual instructions that they contained is virtually identical to what is contained in the virtual instructions of a MDL file. The main difference is that one moves, the other don't (or barely does in relation to a static position). I will let you decide which is which...:kilroy:

To close this first post, a word about one last file; aircraft.cfg.

If XYZ.mdl is the core of an aircraft container, aircraft.cfg is the maestro conducting all parts. Looking at our P51d aircraft.cfg, a TXT editor will do, we see;

title=North American P-51D (This is the name you will see when choosing that aircraft)
sim=P51d (This is the name you will see as a "tag" in the game, it also calls DP, CDP and AIR files )
model= (This is to call the model folder. If left empty, it calls the "model" folder by default)
panel= (This is to call the panel folder. If left empty, it calls the "panel" folder by default)
sound= (This is to call the sound folder. If left empty, it calls the "sound" folder by default)
texture= (This is to call the texture folder. If left empty, it calls the "texture" folder by default)
checklists=P51d_CHECK (this is to call the checklist)

[forcefeedback] (This is for force feedback sticks)

In the same aircraft container, you may have different combinations of model, textures, panels, sounds, DP, AIR, checklists. In theory, you could take all your aircraft and crammed them into one big aircraft container. In practice, you use that system for a few aircraft that share almost identical material, creating incremental headers [fltsim.n] n=1,2,3,4, etc. I don't know if there is a limit and I'm not tempted to experiment on that subject.

You don't have to learn by heart all of this; just remember where it is for future reference. It may get useful.

Next time; Gutting a model
This will be interesting

Thanks for putting forth this massive effort, I for one am ready to do some gutting.

Gutting a model

View attachment 35608

This diagram illustrate what we're going to do. We will extract the BGL-like part of a MDL file (this procedure is also called "disassembling"), and remove the visual code from it (hence the "gutting") and build our own visual object to take its place. Once done, we will save that BGL-like code and install it back in the same MDL file ("assembling" or, in this case, "reassembling"). This will be our working platform from now on.

First thing we need is a functional "aircraft container" with a model folder and a MDL file in it. We need a very simple MDL without animation. There is many different MDL files, but the one we will use is a MDL610 file. This is a very common MDL used by AF99 and its grandpa, AF5.

I have chosen a very old aircraft, originally designed for FS4 with AAF (Aircraft Adventure Factory) by Bill Grabowski and converted for FS5 with FSFS (Flight Simulator Flight Shop) by Chuck Dome; You will find this file at FlightSim by typing or copy/pasting in the "File name" basic search engine. If you can't access FlightSim downloads, go get this alternate FS5 model from Schoichiro Homma.

Once unzipped somewhere (desktop will do), you will find something like this;

View attachment 35609

The SU27.DOC file is only there for id and credits. In fact, the whole aircraft is in this "Swiss knife" SU-27.AIR file! FS4 aircraft had no texture and Chuck Dome kept it that way. The alternate file (mdfedex) is FS5 material and contains textures, but the Mdfedex.air file still contains all the rest.

We now need to convert our FS5 aircraft into a CFS1 "aircraft container". Luckily, this is exactly what CFSCONV.exe, a program very often overlooked, is doing. You should find it in CFS1 main folder. The icon look like this;

View attachment 35610 If you don't have it, you probably made a custom install. You will have to fetch it from your CD.

Once you open the program, you should get this window;

View attachment 35611 , click on Options to make sure that CFS1 main folder and its aircraft folder are showing the right paths;

View attachment 35612 , we don't want to have to search all over the place for our new aircraft. Next, we should click on Convert Aircraft Files and navigate to our AIR file;

View attachment 35613

Double click on that file and voilà! The SU-27 aircraft container (Mdfedex for the alternate) is in your aircraft folder, ready to go for a spin as Sukhoi SU-27 Flanker;
Gutting a model (suite)

View attachment 35614

or as md11 federal exp;

View attachment 35615

I invite you to go and fly these at least once. Misters Grabowski, Dome and Homma do deserve at least an honor flight for their pioneering work. You will note that the red star and the 02 have been "etched" with lines. Cockpit, pilot and gears' legs are also "suggested" by lines and simples polygons. There is a lot of bleeds but, quite frankly, I have seen worst in much more recent aircraft. Chuck Dome aerodynamics are remarkably good. How many converted aircraft have I flown that were jumping like Mexican beans all over the runway and felt like iron with tiny wings? Not this one! Mister Homma aircraft is almost to par with what CFS1 has the best to offer.

This shouldn't be much of a surprise. Most FS98 aircraft that were ever released were "converted" FS5 aircraft, and many made it to CFS1 as well.

Now, it is time to adapt our newly created aircraft container to our need. From this point on, I will work on SU-27 only, you will have to adapt if you're using Mdfedex. Go to your CFS1 aircraft folder and find SU-27;

View attachment 35616 You will note that there is no checklist, which is common in CFS1 add-on anyway. Also, no DP or CDP files. This aircraft is using a default damage profile that you can find in the CFS1 aircraft folder (default.dp). It is basically the Spitfire Mk IX DP. This is why an imported Cessna from FS98 suddenly becomes a very mean machine.

The texture folder is empty. If it is not, do wipe it clean but keep the folder. Do the same with panel and sound folders. If these folders are not there, the aircraft will simply not show in game. But we do not need to keep anything in them.

We will change the AIR file now. Copy and paste ShDEST.air from my AAC Destroyer Ship, part of the AAC fleet ( HERE), in the model folder of SU-27. This is not a ploy to increase my "hit" numbers. It took me an inordinate length of time to get this very stable, flushed to the ground, AIR file done. We may as well take profit of all this hard work.

Rename ShDEST.air to playground.air. Eliminate SU-27.air;

View attachment 35617
Gutting a model (suite and end... for now!)

Open the model folder. Using a TXT editor, open and modify model.cfg to read under [models] header;


View attachment 35618 save and close

Rename SU-27.mdl to playground.mdl.

View attachment 35619, close the model sub-folder.

Open the aircraft.cfg with a TXT editor and change the entries for the following (you can copy/paste if you want);

title=SCASM playground

Save and close. Now, a few changes in the AIR file are in order. I would suggest AIREd (found at Simviation HERE) to do so. First, a few "cosmetic" changes. Feel free to copy/paste.

Under section #1 (Aircraft Name); playground for SCASM

Under section #2 (Description); A place to have fun building things.

Under section #4 (Registration); none

Under section #101 (Normal Model File Name); SCASM playground

This part is a bit less cosmetic, so pay attention to modify it strictly along what follows;

Under section #301 (Fuselage);
*Cockpit View Above+/Below- CoG (in)= 60 (it will give 59.9769)
*Cockpit View Fore+/Aft- CoG (in)= 0 (it will give 0.000)

Close and save. This will place your Point Of View (POV) five feet above ground over the center.

Now, time to close SU-27 aircraft container and rename it playground. View attachment 35620

The only original thing left is Grabowski (or Homma) visual model. In the next post, we will take care of that.

Next time; Final gutting
Can't wait to get down to the blood and guts.


One of the things I like the most about this hobby is that it doesn't get messy. Blood and guts will have to be virtual.

And, contrary to plastic modeling, you don't end up with glue all over your shirt and pants. Of course, some will miss the scent, not to mention the secondary effects, of cement glue.:isadizzy:
Final gutting

We should get some tools first.

To disassemble playground.mdl, we will need a program called MDLDisAs (HERE) by Trevor de Stigter. Install first the and, on top,, the latest version of MDLDisAs (v.

MDLDisAs is a GUI (General User's Interface or "Front End") for Manfred Moldenhauer SCASM (SCenery ASseMbler). Download the latest version from HERE and just put it somewhere handy. MDLDisAs folder would be a good place. Just make sure MDLDisAs path to SCASM is correctly entered. The Source Code Files Directory should be on desktop or any other easily accessible place for you.

I also recommend that you get the HTML help file from HERE. In fact, you should get all the goodies on that page while you still can.

We also need a robust TXT editor. Notepad or WordPad simply can't do the job. My own text editor is payware (EditPad Pro) but, in my incessant pursuit of cheap solutions, I have found a little gem called Notepad++. You should download the ZIP file and install by unzipping in a convenient place, then delete the UNICODE folder. Associate TXT and SCX files to notepad++.exe. You don't teach an old dog new tricks, but I'm very tempted to make the switch myself, this is how good I think this TXT editor is. Tell me what you think of it.

One last tool to install; FrHed. It is an hexadecimal editor, very useful when you need to tweak something that isn't in the BGL-like portion of the MDL. Choose and install a stable version (duh...). You should associate MDL files to it.


What follows is how I work. You may skip it and stick to what's working for you. But this method will save you time and pain on the long run.

Create a folder on your desktop, name it whatever you like, mine right now is "SCASMING FUN". Get shortcuts for the CFS1 game, the MDLDisAs, FrHed, and any other apps you may use. This is also where you will keep your working SCX files, the Source Code files, that are your "masters". NEVER let a newly disassembled SCX file get in there! Why? Simply because you don't want to overwrite your "masters". Imagine a file that you took months to elaborate snuffed in an instant. As for me, I don't have to imagine that... I'm just trying here to save your sanity.


Open MDLDisAS. View attachment 35769 And keep it open until I say otherwise.
After a short nagging delay (the only restriction on this shareware), the OK button activates, click on it.

View attachment 35770 Click on Open File and navigate to your playground "aircraft container", and then to your playground.MDL.

View attachment 35771 Open it. In doing so, you're not only loading that MDL file, you are also indicating the return path.

View attachment 35772 If everything was OK, you should see something like that. It indicates the type of MDL file loaded, textures (if any), the path, the file data length and the bytes remaining. The CkeckMdl button is for when ... hit the fan. This shouldn't be the case, hopefully. So click on Next.

View attachment 35773 Make sure that all the settings are the same as in this picture;
Source Code File Content= Std Source Listing
Structure Dimensions in= Feet
List Textures Vertices= On One Line
Designated Assembler= Scasm.exe

This is only so that we can follow each other. Once on your own, do as you please. We now click on Save File. You will be invited to use the name playground.scx and to put it, if you have followed my advice, outside of your working place. Do so. Go copy that playground.scx and paste it in your working place. One more precaution; change the name (like playgroundM.scx) to protect it even more against overwriting mishaps.

Now, open the playgroundM.scx file with Notepad++, this is what you should see;
View attachment 35774
Final gutting (suite and end)

Explanations will come later. For now, scroll down to line #91 and highlight all the way to line #1352 for Gabrowski visual code, then delete;

View attachment 35775

If you are unsure, especially if you're using Homma's longer visual code, the first line to delete is just under the label :L001284. The last line to delete just before EndA. This should look like this once the deletion is done;

View attachment 35776

In-between :L001284 and EndA, I want you to put exactly these lines (copy and paste if you want);

Points( 1 ; 4 points
0 0 780 ; 1
0 1560 780 ; 2
0 1560 -780 ; 3
0 0 -780 ; 4
SurfaceColor( 05 F0 )
Poly( ai 1 2 3 4 )
SurfaceColor( 06 F0 )
Poly( a 1 2 3 4 )

This should give you that;

View attachment 35777

Save and close playgroundM.scx. In MDLDisAs window, click on Use Existing File and navigate to load playgroundM.scx, then click on Assemble. If you see this window View attachment 35778 , congratulation! Click on OK. If you get an error message, abort and find what went wrong. You can still copy and paste, then rename playground.scx to playgroundM.scx, and redo everything.

Once you've clicked OK, a new window shows-up;

View attachment 35779

You will note a huge reduction in Data length. Click on Update .MDL, say YES to backup, then go see in CFS1 what its look like;

View attachment 35780

We have created a 10x10 feet "wall", red on the right side, green on the left. Misters Grabowski and Homma models are gone.

Next time; Tidying-up the place
Open the model folder..................

Under section #301 (Fuselage);
*Cockpit View Above+/Below- CoG (in)= 60 (it will give 59.9769)
*Cockpit View Fore+/Aft- CoG (in)= 0 (it will give 0.000)

Close and save. This will place your Point Of View (
POV) five feet above ground over the center.


The only original thing left is Grabowski (or Homma) visual model. In the next post, we will take care of that.

Next time; Final gutting
this may be self explanatory,
but, it would appear that the Point of View
is set here in inches.
so, if one was building a 100 foot Flak Tower,
(hint, hint)
with the gun firing at the top,
the number would be something like 1200.
You can close MDLDisAs, sorry...:redf:

this may be self explanatory,
but, it would appear that the Point of View
is set here in inches.
so, if one was building a 100 foot Flak Tower,
(hint, hint)
with the gun firing at the top,
the number would be something like 1200.


Any idea of what Netherlands' Flak towers looked like? I've recently seen picture of American Advanced Airfields AA gun positions mounted on scaffolding looking like those contractors use for brick-laying and paint jobs. Some German Flak towers were enormous buildings used as bomb shelters as well. I think some are still standing.
nope...i haven't seen the Dutch towers,
but did google the German ones.
simply huge
i figure that since those boston pilots
were told to keep it below 100 feet,
the Dutch towers had to be up there.
although, i guess it really depends
on the minimum angle of the flak guns.

sorry, i've hijacked another thread.
nope...i haven't seen the Dutch towers,
but did google the German ones.
simply huge
i figure that since those boston pilots
were told to keep it below 100 feet,
the Dutch towers had to be up there.
although, i guess it really depends
on the minimum angle of the flak guns.

sorry, i've hijacked another thread.

Naaaa! It could be a good project. But I will need a little more info.
there's lots of information
about the massive towers
in Berlin, Hamburg and Vienna,
but not much for De Kooy and Bergen.
that is, i found no pictures or drawings
on my first search.
Thank you again Hubba for all the effort on this thread.

Thanks! I just hope that I'm not loosing people along the way. I've tried to keep the learning curve as gentle as possible, but I also have to establish some basic principles so all can follow me later. Again, you don't have to learn by hearth all of it; simply remember where it is.

Again, if anything is unclear in your mind, just tell me here. I'm trying to cover all the bases, but a bit of feedback can't hurt.
Tidying-up the place

Don't be alarmed if you see two new files in your working folder, it is only normal. SCAERROR.LOG contains the last error (or success) compilation message and playgroundM.BGL is a by-product of assembling from playgroundM.scx. Leave them there as they will simply be overwritten next time around.

We will now return to playgroundM.scx to explain briefly what is in it and do some more cleaning.

; File: playground.SCX **** Disassembled Graphic Drawing code ****
; Taken from Aircraft Model File playground.mdl
; Produced by MdlDisAs v3.x unregistered

This is pretty much self-explanatory. Note that all lines are preceded by a semi-colon (;). Anything right of a semi-colon on the same line is disregarded by SCASM during compilation.

Set( FSVERS 700 )

Indicates for which sim version the SCX file is set. 700 means FS2000. For CFS1, it should be 650, and 610 for FS98. Since all CFS1 commands are still valid in a FS2000 SCX, this is not a problem.

Set( RAW 1 )

Set the RAW (Read And Write, I think) without Header. A Header is normally the start of a BGL file and gives geographical position of the object. RAW files are used by moving objects for obvious reasons.

Set( BUF 256 )
Set( LINBUF 256 )

The first line sets the maximum buffer size in KB. The second sets the size of the internal line buffer for compilation, also in KB.

Area( R )

A very important command! It declares an area of visual commands. When set to R, it is for RAW Header-less objects. Finishes with EndA command.

; Comprises 33 Individual Structures as follows:
; All dimensions in Feet
; Start Points Fore Aft Bottom Top Port Stbd
; :L001908 2 0.00 2.95 6.40 6.69 0.00 0.00
; :L002B84 17 2.95 11.71 5.98 10.14 -2.07 2.07
; :L002DAC 24 11.71 51.67 6.10 11.91 -2.45 2.45
; :L001B4C 5 13.00 14.96 10.34 11.12 0.00 0.00

Was a list of SU-27 structures (parts, lines, dots, components...) with useful information to find them. As all lines are preceded by a semi-colon, this was not compiled. But all that is gone now! We will erase all of it to keep only the firsts two lines in case we need to place some comments later. This should look like this;

View attachment 35948


Every time you see a colon (:), you're facing a Label. Each Label is unique within an area, but can be called many times. A colon without characters forces a jump to the end of the area (EndA). A maximum of 15 characters immediately after the colon are permitted for the Label, case sensitive. Only letters and numbers. MDLDisAs, when compiling, uses the hexadecimal position in the MDL to name Labels. This is why our "masters" are so important as lines are constantly changing from one iteration to the next. Most MDL610 file start at HEX 1204. If you are curious, open playground.mdl with FrHed and, using Edit > Go to > x1204, you should see something like that;

View attachment 35949

All that is highlighted in yellow correspond to the visual code we have introduced in the MDL. Not much hey? All the rest is filled with zeroes. All non-animated MDL610 MDL files are 70 KB in size, no matter, within its own capacity limits, how much visual data we put in them. Animated MDl610 files are all at 133 KB for the same reason. CFS1 stock aircraft do vary in sizes, which gives some troubles to MDLDisAs. Back to playgroundM.scx.

RefPoint( nsi :[-124] 0x004 v1= 0 v2= 18 )
VFileMarker( 100 )

The Perspective command is "announcing" visual code. RefPoint (for Reference Point) is at the origin and all vertices are placed in relation to it. "nsi" means "no scale indirect", commonly used for moving objects. The :[-124] is a label jump of 124 steps backward to "dock" BGL-like code to non-BGL part. The 0x004 is the global variable pointer that "displaces" the model. "v1" is the visibility distance and, when set at 0, it is infinite. "v2" is the radius visibility in meter.

It is a difficult concept to grasp but I will try to explain it. In static objects, it influences your lateral vision. Remember flying over a large building, or a runway, only to see it disappear under you? This is caused by too small a number in that v2= entry. On moving objects, it apply as well when you're catching-up and going by another moving object. This is necessary to reduce the number of visual objects the game has to show. Objects "in your back" are skipped to save on fps. Set at 18 meters (± 59 feet), you are pretty safe. But I know of a Zeppelin that would need a bit more! VFileMarker purpose is unknown, an it is always set to 100.

Let skip a few lines, normally reserved for landing lights that we don't have, to get to;

RefPoint( nsi :[-152] 0x004 v1= 0 v2= 18 )
SetScaleX( :[-164] 0 0 7 )
PBHCall( :L001284 0x01C )

This code is directly related to the visual object itself (previous code was "declaring" the visual zone). We find some repetition then SetScalex command, which decide of the scale of our model. This is the famous "scale 7" for those who have dabble in scaling business before. AF99 aircraft are mostly using that scale, but it can be changed in some circumstances. This command will be explored in depth later.

The command PBHCall points to the beginning of visual code (at Label :L001284). It orient the object along pitch, bank, and heading according to local variable 01C, situated in the non-BGL part of the MDL file.


This command always terminate a subroutine and basically means "ok, done, what's next?" and return to the next command following the call to that subroutine. A missing Return command is a common source of headaches and grinding teeth. Beware!

Then comes a few lines that, if memory serves me, are for propellers and gears. In this MDL, they don't mean much, but we will leave them for compatibility reasons.

ShadowPosInd( 0x04 )
SetScaleX( :L00126C 0 18 7 )
ShadowCallVI( :L001284 0x01C )
ShadowPosInd( 0x04 )
SetScaleX( :L001282 0 0 7 )
ShadowCallVI( :L001284 0x01C )

These two sets of subroutines (remark the :Label > commands > Return "sandwich" disposition) are for shadows. They are almost identical. The ShadowPosInd is referred to the global variable pointer and the SetScaleX is also set at 7. The only difference between the two is that the first has an 18 at the second digit position while the other has 0. This is the v2= instruction incorporated in the shadow command. The first subroutine is for indirect shadow, when your going by that shadow, exactly the same way as for the object generating that shadow. The other is for direct shadow which, unless if you are Peter Pan, you can't overrun. The first digit is, btw, for v1=. The ShadowCallVI command is to trace the shadow of a moving object, mostly aircraft. It points to the same variable PBHCall uses and is directed to the Label :L001284. Which brings us to the visual code.

Points( 1 ; 4 points
0 0 780 ; 1
0 1560 780 ; 2
0 1560 -780 ; 3
0 0 -780 ; 4
SurfaceColor( 05 F0 )
Poly( ai 1 2 3 4 )
SurfaceColor( 06 F0 )
Poly( a 1 2 3 4 )

This comes just after the comment ";*** Start of Main Aircraft Code ***", so its a no-brainer. But even without this MDLDisAs generated command, you should recognize the configuration Label > commands > Return of a subroutine.

First, lets take care of the Label. I want you to change :L001284 for :BEGINNING and to do the same with all occurrences of it. To do so, use the Search > Find function of Notepad++
View attachment 35950
and, under the Replace tab, type BEGINNING in the "Replace with:" window and click on Replace All;
View attachment 35952
,this is one function you will see quite often. Better get used to it.

Now, a bit of "human" touch. In-between :BEGINNING and the next line, type the following (copy and paste if you want);

;Wall red and green 10x10

Don't forget the semi-colon to start the line. This is a bit of an overkill in such a short SCX file, but may well save your mental health when you have hundred of subroutines all looking the same. So now, the visual code should look like this;

;Wall red and green 10x10
Points( 1 ; 4 points
0 0 780 ; 1
0 1560 780 ; 2
0 1560 -780 ; 3
0 0 -780 ; 4
SurfaceColor( 05 F0 )
Poly( ai 1 2 3 4 )
SurfaceColor( 06 F0 )
Poly( a 1 2 3 4 )

The line that begins with the command Points starts a "point declaration" array. The opening parenthesis "(" opens the array, the 1 signifies that the array is numbered starting with 1. Although Manfred Moldenhauer suggest to start from 0, experience tells me that it is less confusing to have the first point declaration at 1, the second at 2, the third at 3... and so on. The "; 4 points" is a comment (you all knew it, I'm sure) telling you how many points they are in that array. The following four lines all work on the same principles;

(right+ - left- axis) (up+ - down- axis) (forward+ - aft- axis) ; (point number)

REMARK: Notepad++ and EditPad do not treat tabulation the same way, so I suggest that you take the good habit of lining-up vertically your point declaration columns, especially when copy/pasting from this thread.

These points (or vertices) are placed in relation to RefPoint. Under AF99 at SetScaleX 7, a scale of approximately 1 foot = 156 units (156.13 for precision sticklers) is used, so we will keep this scale for compatibility reasons. Units are always integers; if you need half an inch, you will have to choose between 6 and 7, not 6.5.

The points' array ends with a closing parenthesis;


Its omission may again be the cause of violent headaches, cold sweats, uncontrollable urge to utter profanities, and a long list of other secondary symptoms. Try to avoid.

On the next line, we have the command SurfaceColor for... well... coloring the surface of the following polygon (I don't think that you are stupid, I'm simply assuming that you are, lol!:icon_lol:). The codes in parenthesis represent an "old-fashioned" method of coloring (more on that later).

The Poly command is used for simple unshaded polygons. What you have in parenthesis is a code for the application method (here automatic inverted) and the points used in a clockwise order. Again, more on that later.

The other side of the wall follows with basically the same instructions with a different color and automatic application.

Then comes the Return command, closing that subroutine.

Finally, the EndA command closes the loop we started with the Area command.

All the lines that follow EndA are generated by MDLDisAs to help figure-out which commands were used and how many. Simply erase them.

You can save and close.

Until my next post, I want you to practice with MDLDisAs by fetching playground.mdl and replacing the "old" playground.scx by this new cleaned-up playgroundM.scx.

Next time; Lesson #1: How big is our playground?

Buon giorno a tutti!:wavey:

By now, all those following this thread, whether they started with SU-27 or mdfedex, should be on an equal footing. Their aircraft container should be exactly the same and their MDL too. After the clean-up, so should be their playgrounM.scx.

I could have done all this in less than 30 minutes with AF99, but this would have meant using a payware that you may not even have and that is getting hard to find anyway.

This is also a great learning experience. Nothing beats making things with your own hands.

I don't know about you but speaking for myself, I had much more fun at the beach building sand castle than kicking them to oblivion.

If you have problems getting where we are, you can get a "kit" from HERE. It contains the "aircraft container" playground with all its folders and the playground.mdl file. You also have a playgroundM.scx "ready to go".

But this is the lazy way to go. I strongly suggest that you build your own stuff. Quite frankly, if you need this download, you may find what's to come a bit challenging.

Anyway, we are here to have fun.:jump:
Lesson #1: How big is our playground?

If you have practiced replacing playground.scx by our last cleaned-up playgroundM.scx (if you have noted, the "M" stands for "Master"), what I'm about to ask you is child play; open MDLDisAs, go fetch playground.mdl, and save it on your desktop as playground.scx. Open it with Notepad++ (from now on, I will use EditPad and post the text rather than pictures, just adapt if you're using Notepad++).

A few things have changed. There is a "list" of individual structures containing one item and wrongly associated to Label :L000000, this is a glitch of MDLDisAs with short compilation. At the end of the file, the commands listing has also reappeared. Our "human touch" has vanished; comments we made and Labels we changed are gone. This is why we never let a freshly decompiled SCX file get into our workplace, NEVER EVER!

Let's concentrate on the only visual code subroutine (in blue) and compare it with our own (in red);

Points( 1 ; 4 points
0 0 780 ; 1
0 1560 780 ; 2
0 1560 -780 ; 3
0 0 -780 ; 4
SurfaceColor( 0x05 0xF0 )
Poly( m 32767 0 0 0.000000 1 2 3 4 )
SurfaceColor( 0x06 0xF0 )
Poly( m -32767 0 0 0.000000 1 2 3 4 )

;Wall red and green 10x10
Points( 1 ; 4 points
0 0 780 ; 1
0 1560 780 ; 2
0 1560 -780 ; 3
0 0 -780 ; 4
SurfaceColor( 05 F0 )
Poly( ai 1 2 3 4 )
SurfaceColor( 06 F0 )
Poly( a 1 2 3 4 )

Ok, Label is changed and comments are gone, but points' declaration is unchanged. SurfaceColor is still there, but the arguments (the stuff in parenthesis) are a bit different. The "0x" is a prefix telling the assembler that hex numbers are coming. But SCASM is expecting hex numbers for SurfaceColor command, so they're is no need to "identify" our numbers as hexadecimal notation. We will study colors in a future lesson.

Poly commands are still there, but the arguments are different. The "m" stands for "manual". This will be the occasion of exploring our playground and see where are the boundaries.

The arguments before the "1 2 3 4" points' calling are establishing a vector. Here is Poly command explained;

Poly( m vx vz vy len pnum1 ... pnumn )
where "m" is for "manual", "vx" for vector X, "vz" for vector Z, "vy" for vector Y, "len" for vector actual length, and "pnum1 ... pnumn" for points being called. This vector is used to calculate sun's reflection on that polygon and must be perpendicular to that polygon's surface.

Now, from a guy who almost flunked math in high-school, a few mathematical explanations are necessary, sorry... :crybaby:

The mathematical formula used to get the hypotenuse of a three-dimensional vector, or diagonal solid line, is;

View attachment 36180 Don't run to the medicine cabinet yet!

Imagine an arrow being attached to RefPoint at the tail and to a cord at the tip fraught tight towards X-Y-Z coordinates. The vector is the arrow while the cord-arrow assembly is the spatial 3D coordinates. The first number represent the displacement along the X axis (32767), the second number (0) is for Z axis, the third (0) for Y axis, and the fourth (0.000000) for the vector length from RefPoint (one of the rare case when vector lenght = zero is when that vector coincide with one of the three axis, like here). The first entry (32767) is the maximum length of that vector-arrow in SCASM unit. The value 32767 is the highest value SCASM will compile successfully. More precisely; 32767 is the highest positive value it will accept, but -32768 is the lowest value. SCASM will simply compute ±32767, I suppose by convenience. Following SCASM conventions, maximum fore limit is 32767, minimum aft is -32768, maximum right is 32767, and minimum left is -32768. This gives us a "cube" of 65535³ units.

View attachment 36181

This mean, considering that one foot = 156 units, that our playground is about 420 cubic feet. Plenty of space for now.

In our playground.scx, it is normal to find our vector align along the X axis. The "wall" is itself aligned fore-aft and up-down, the perpendicular is therefore right-left;

View attachment 36182 coinciding with the X axis. But what happens if, let's say, our wall is inclined? Type or copy/paste this in playgroundM.scx point's declaration;

Points( 1 ; 4 points
-200 0 780 ; 1
200 1560 780 ; 2
200 1560 -780 ; 3
-200 0 -780 ; 4

This will incline our wall, the top being 200 units to the right, the bottom 200 units to the left. Open playground.MDL with MDLDisAs and replace with our modified playgroundM.scx. Then re-open playground.mdl and save playground.scx on the desktop. This is what you should get;

Points( 1 ; 4 points
-200 0 780 ; 1
200 1560 780 ; 2
200 1560 -780 ; 3
-200 0 -780 ; 4
SurfaceColor( 0x05 0xF0 )
Poly( m 31740 -8138 0 -193.732749 1 2 3 4 )
SurfaceColor( 0x06 0xF0 )
Poly( m -31740 8138 0 193.732749 1 2 3 4 )

Now, considering that distances are absolutes and that the minus (-) sign is only there to indicate direction. We have;

View attachment 36183 Close enough!

The vector length of 193.732749 is the distance between the "tip" of our arrow to RefPoint along vx-vy-vz axis.

This is why we're using the "a"; it stands for "automatic". SCASM will do all the calculations for us. For someone who almost flunked his math in high-school, this is a blessing. And I imagine that you're all exhaling a sigh of relief right now; I told you not to run to the medicine cabinet!

Now, for fun, let's push the limit and see what's happening;

;Wall red and green 10x10
Points( 1 ; 4 points
0 0 780 ; 1
0 32767 780 ; 2
0 32767 -780 ; 3
0 0 -780 ; 4
SurfaceColor( 05 F0 )
Poly( ai 1 2 3 4 )
SurfaceColor( 06 F0 )
Poly( a 1 2 3 4 )

"Implant" this in your playground.mdl, you know how by now, and it should give you something like A below. Now, go beyond the 32767 and "implant" this;

;Wall red and green 10x10
Points( 1 ; 4 points
0 0 780 ; 1
0 32768 780 ; 2
0 32768 -780 ; 3
0 0 -780 ; 4
SurfaceColor( 05 F0 )
Poly( ai 1 2 3 4 )
SurfaceColor( 06 F0 )
Poly( a 1 2 3 4 )

View attachment 36184 OOOPS! B is what a tiny-winy-little-too-many unit can do! Go get this with MDLDisAs and paste playground.scx on desktop. This is what I got;

Points( 1 ; 4 points
0 0 780 ; 1
0 -32768 780 ; 2
0 -32768 -780 ; 3
0 0 -780 ; 4

Where did these -32768 came from? Well, this is SCASM trying to make sense out of nonsense; since 32768 can only be in the negative form, it does just that. Now, we will push the nonsense a bit further;

;Wall red and green 10x10
Points( 1 ; 4 points
0 0 780 ; 1
0 327670 780 ; 2
0 327670 -780 ; 3
0 0 -780 ; 4
SurfaceColor( 05 F0 )
Poly( ai 1 2 3 4 )
SurfaceColor( 06 F0 )
Poly( a 1 2 3 4 )

"Implant" that in the MDL and go see what it looks;

View attachment 36185

Again, disassemble playground.mdl and save playground.scx on desktop;

Points( 1 ; 4 points
0 0 780 ; 1
0 -10 780 ; 2
0 -10 -780 ; 3
0 0 -780 ; 4

SCASM has run up-and-down ten times, saving a negative unit each time, which explain your "-10". So, to conclude this first lesson, be reminded that numbers over 32767 or under -32768 will compile but return foolish entries. Go replace the visual code with this;

;Wall red and green 10x10
Points( 1 ; 4 points
0 0 780 ; 1
0 1560 780 ; 2
0 1560 -780 ; 3
0 0 -780 ; 4
SurfaceColor( 05 F0 )
Poly( ai 1 2 3 4 )
SurfaceColor( 06 F0 )
Poly( a 1 2 3 4 )

and close MDLDisAs. Next time, in Lesson #2, we will study that "automatic" calculation.