New weapons for Bf109


Charter Member
Hi Fighters,

have a look to the first screenshot of the german weapon "Firefist" for the Bf109.

I am still working on the secret weapons "Firehand", "Firearm", "Bombfist", "Bombarm" and "Wolfshand".

When I will have finished all, I will test them.

All the best and Happy Easter

:salute:View attachment 83779
I believe these must be fictional - I've never heard of them, in any case.

I don't mean to spoil the fun, and by all means spice up the game, but please do not use any parts, including air files, weapons and textures, of the DR/DR2/DL Bf109s - the one you're using as a test mule is I suspect one of ours. Thanks!
I believe these must be fictional - I've never heard of them, in any case.

I don't mean to spoil the fun, and by all means spice up the game, but please do not use any parts, including air files, weapons and textures, of the DR/DR2/DL Bf109s - the one you're using as a test mule is I suspect one of ours. Thanks!

You might have to clarify in a pm to airfighter55 about altering non stock items if uploading them without the modder's permission.:kilroy:
Hi Fighters,

I know, it is not allowed to give this new weapons to the community! Therefor they are only for my own tests and to use it in my CFS3.

But I thought, it is a pleasure for the friends to have only a look. Sorry!

All the best

As long as you're using purely stock parts and aircraft, or get prior permission from the maker/modder if using non-stock parts, there's no reason at all why you can't release them. Up to you!
Even though non standard/fictional, would be a lot of fun in my 'spare' cfs3 copy, where messed about and 'up gunned' (privately) other's aircraft just to see 'what if' doesn't wreck the context of the game. great!