New Windows 10 update (3-4 Nov)



G-Sync in P3Dv4 Academic stops working,
Active Sky for P3Dv4 dosen't work from now (click icon, nothing happens).

Sorry, having no login for the HiFi forums, am out...
Meanwhile checked the properties of my ASP4 and ASCA, and both had lost their "run as administrator" status.
Did reapply, and it seems to work again, at least ASP4. Started it, then fired-up P3D v4.1, saw the meteo change, and got the notifications about amended meteo conditions.
Blue skies
Just discovered some problems after the Fall Creators Update (FCU). I have P3Dv4 installed on my D drive. It looks like the FCU didn't like this, since all links in the registry appear to have changed to point to the C drive. I only discovered this when I tried to run SODE, and it complained about an invalid path to P3Dv4. The FCU had also created copies of all the links to software on the D drive (UTLive, FSX@War etc), renamed the old shortcuts on my desktop, and modified the new shortcuts to point to the C drive; this was of course a bit easier to spot and resolve.

My advice to anybody who had the audacity to install anything anywhere other than the C drive... stay well clear of this bunch of brown stuff.
[FONT=&quot]I checked also drivers: 387.92, 388.00 and 388.13.

The problem with G-sync after this W10 FCU update is present still.
So looks like the problem is driver together with Fall Creators Update of Windows 10.[/FONT]

[FONT=&quot]Before this Fall Creators Update Windows 10 udpate G-sync works fine here!


[FONT=&quot]I did video to show it.
The problem is full screen now and only.
Refresh rate of monitor is set to 60Hz so max FPS with G-sync on must be 60 (the same like with V-sync, here is off for sure). It works if the title is in windowed mode (what is not acceptable, looks very odd and badly simply!). In this situation G-sync works and no screen tearing. If I change a mode for full screen (Alt+Enter here) G-sync stops work. I see screen tearing, annoying micro stutters and FPS without limit of Hz of refresh rate of monitor. In GeForce panel G-sync is ON as Full screen + windowed. I check also others options with the same result.

