New Zealand Lighthouses


Charter Member
I'm redoing my VFR folder that holds things like landmarks and stuff. Went over to Avsim and found the freeware NZ lighthouses is no longer there. Very strange. It's just gone. If anybody has a copy and can send it to me, it would be appreciated as I can't find it anywhere.

Also, the site is down that has the freeware Japan landclass. If anyone has that, I'd appreciate it also.

It's weird how, once in a while, a freeware scenery file is simply gone. Some time ago I noticed Gerrish Gray's Trees is no longer available. This is really not good as it's required for a lot of sceneries. Fortunately I saved a copy and if anybody needs it, feel free to contact me.

Well, some time ago - maybe a year or two now ??? - AvSim had a huge hack and lost just about everything - maybe literally everything - in their library. They got most of it back from people re-uploading stuff, but some things were never re-loaded and were lost to them for good.

Like you, I saved a copy of Gerrish Gray's trees on my backup drive, along with everything else I ever downloaded, but I never had the two items you're looking for.
Hi Mick, Avsim's attack happened way longer than a year or two ago and the NZ lites were up for some time after it happened. No, the file simply mysteriously disappeared.