Newb Questions



Hello Gents,

I stumbled across this forum while searching for WW1 sims. I have a few questions that you guys may be able to answer. Unfortunately I'm at work and the OFF website is blocked :hand: (grrr).

-CFS 3 was widely panned as being, well, inferior to the IL-2 franchise (I still love this one). I am assuming that OFF is a complete rework of that title? Only the game engine is retained? I have no problem buying CF3 for 10 bucks if this is the case.

-Any wide screen resolution issues? I have 22'' monitor.

-Does phase 3 have an extensive campaign mode? How many missions?

-How much does phase 3 cost? I think I saw $50 somewhere...

-How does the realism & flight modeling compare to IL-2? I was looking at RoF but it looks like they will nickel and dime you to death for add-ons. OFF looks mighty tempting and I like supporting the mod community.

-How bad are the Vista install issues really?

-My specs, E8400 @ 3.8Ghz, 4G ram at 1060, P35 mobo, ATI 4870 512mb
I would think I could run this sim in full glory?

I'm sure many of these questions have been answered but I can't spend too much time perusing the forum right now. I've always loved those old kites and can't wait to get my ratta-tat going. Thanks for your time!
Hello Gents,

I stumbled across this forum while searching for WW1 sims. I have a few questions that you guys may be able to answer. Unfortunately I'm at work and the OFF website is blocked :hand: (grrr).

-CFS 3 was widely panned as being, well, inferior to the IL-2 franchise (I still love this one). I am assuming that OFF is a complete rework of that title? Only the game engine is retained? I have no problem buying CF3 for 10 bucks if this is the case.

-Any wide screen resolution issues? I have 22'' monitor.

-Does phase 3 have an extensive campaign mode? How many missions?

-How much does phase 3 cost? I think I saw $50 somewhere...

-How does the realism & flight modeling compare to IL-2? I was looking at RoF but it looks like they will nickel and dime you to death for add-ons. OFF looks mighty tempting and I like supporting the mod community.

-How bad are the Vista install issues really?

-My specs, E8400 @ 3.8Ghz, 4G ram at 1060, P35 mobo, ATI 4870 512mb
I would think I could run this sim in full glory?

I'm sure many of these questions have been answered but I can't spend too much time perusing the forum right now. I've always loved those old kites and can't wait to get my ratta-tat going. Thanks for your time!

I'm certainly no expert and since P3 isn't really out yet to the masses.....
Your system is more than adequate according to the specs at the OFF site. I can't quote the site as Webnon-sense has me blocked at work also. You'll want to run this at a high resolution, it really does run better than at lower levels. The price for the USA is $50 +9 shipping according to my order last night. Can't say about Vista, but I understand the Dev Team have taken Vista into consideration. It doesn't seem to be too bad for P2 if you take your time and follow the instructions.
I've never flown IL-2, but I have some time in Pacific Fighters. P2 is very realistic, IMHO, and P3 should be even better. I can certainly feel the handling differences in the A/C, they fly just like I imagine they should. From flying a Pitts Special in FS9, it's a big change, these old crates don't climb or turn very well at all, but they never did.
The Campaign mode of P2 seems to end when you die. Can't say any more than that, I've not lived more than 40 missions. You have many squadrons to choose from, so you can fly at any time for any side.
I have flown CFS3 a little, P2 is a great improvement on that, I'm sure P3 will be in a league of it's own. Be sure to check out the OFF site when you get home, lots of good stuff there. (and here!):ernae:
CFS3 is worst piece of crap in the sim world, but only the engine is utilized. $50 plus ship, I run a 22" LCD no problem.
Contradiction: OFF runs SMOOTHER at Higher Resolutions, I run 1680X1050

In actuallity there's More Than enough missions, seeing as none are scripted, you never fly the same one twice.
By the way . . . there are NO Vista install problems whatsoever with Phase 3. . . . . . . . . . . .now Phase 2 could be a challange
I got Phase 2 to work on is my single most bestest IT achievement to date. Just don't ask me how I did it.
Definately you need to get on the OFF website and see the will be blown away. Answers to your questions, some of which others have answered already...

I am assuming that OFF is a complete rework of that title? Only the game engine is retained? Yes and yes

-Any wide screen resolution issues? I have 22'' monitor. None.

-Does phase 3 have an extensive campaign mode? How many missions? is totally non-scripted. Never the same thing twice.

-How much does phase 3 cost? I think I saw $50 somewhere... Correct

-How bad are the Vista install issues really? None expected with Phase 3

-My specs, E8400 @ 3.8Ghz, 4G ram at 1060, P35 mobo, ATI 4870 512mb
I would think I could run this sim in full glory? Yes, no problem.
If you wish to hit the ground running, I'd suggest browsing through the STICKY OFF Tips & Cheats, there's even one of our members who claims to have updated them to 100 pages, how I don't know, but stranger things have happened.

There's supposed to be all types of manuals internal to Phase 3

Since I just ordered yesterday, I can't comment :ernae:
Just do yourself a BIG Favor, even with your obviously High Performance equipment. NEVER Exceed 4 on the scenery or terrian slider. There is not a computer built today that can take them maxed out for long.

Oh it'll look great for awhile, then you'll experience unexplainable video problems

The Human eye can't see the difference on 4, plus your FPS will be a lot higher :kilroy:
Welcome here, Martin.:welcome:

You stumbled well in finding this place and OFF.

As you will have already seen, all the help you may need is available to you from the inhabitants of this forum who are helpful and very knowledgeable.

As has already been said, your system will do OFF great justice.Now that you have loaded and installed P2 you will be experiencing the pure exhilaration and immersion that this sim offers.

As you may have appreciated, P2 was a work in progress kindly provided to us all free by the developers.It is, without a doubt, a wonderful product in its own right.

At the risk of appearing like a salesman, which I am certainly not, I cannot do better than echo the sentiments of those who have already commented in this thread.

P3, or as it now known OFF BHAH, transcends P2 in every respect.I had the benefit of an advance final beta version for testing and it has, in every respect, so far exceeded my expectations.

If you have TrackIR, and I suspect you will have this already, this is the sim IMHO in which it really excels.

Whatever you decide is of course up to you.



Just one thing about CFS3 , which it is not given credit for. - correction, two things.
1. It is one of the best, if not the best, moddable flight sims there is. I have my CFS3 considerably modded, and it is the best sim for flying Spitfires and most other WW1 planes in. It runs at very high FPS, with the best clouds/sky of any sim - and the terrain, (modded) is brilliant- not as good as OFF, but still very good.
2. like OFF, the higher the resolution you fly it in, the better it performs.

And the planes certainly fly better than IL2 - that's 1% planes i'm talking about. If you don't know what 1% planes are, then I suggest you aren't qualified too much to knock CFS3 :)

I don't believe it's any accident that the quality which is OFF has been derived from CFS3
Thank you all for your replies. I'm going to take the plunge. All my concerns were put to rest by your helpful comments. Hope to see you in the skies over France (on your six!):kilroy:

1% refers to flight models falling within 1% of the actual aircraft's flight characteristics correct? If OFF is that put together I'm even more excited to get going...

/Thanks again all