Next target command



The next target command "Tab" stops working after one mission or quick combat mission. I have to reset cfs3 in workshops and create another
pilot before OFF will respond to the command again.

Need help. Have contacted OBD support but no answer yet.
Odd, works fine for me.. Only reason I have for using the radar anymore. Didn't there used to be little yellow brackets that surrounded the plane when it was targeted? I'd like that better.
answering in email..

It came in just over an hour ago and just replied a couple of times.

BTW guys just a reminder we aren't 24 hour support but we try our best.
Please allow some time for a reply. 48 hours is standard for most companies, but we usually reply fairly quickly!
I don't use the radar. I use the next target command with the padlock to look around the sky quickly then switch to front view to shoot at targets.
Ah, one thing, can you try bringing up the radar once shift+t, press T to set Aircraft, then shift+t to hide radar again when you see enemies, and see what happens then when you press Tab?

Repeat above just once when you very first see enemies on each new mission.

Then if no go try the rest in the email. Thanks.
I think I tried that once Pol. If I remember right the next enemy command doesnt work unless you have the radar up. I dont have TrakIR.....yet, so I have the radar on and toggled to aircraft. But, I push it all the way up to the upper left hand corner so that I cant see it and the "next enemy" command works. I dont know, maybe I didnt try hard enough to get it working.

Polovski your a G-- D--- genious. I guess the radar has to be set to aircraft for the targeting to work.
Thanks for your help.
We had this situation in Phase 1, I really do forget if it was the color of the brackets, the size of the luminecent targeting cone, or the slot where you add the quarters.

OFF is dripping with immersion, I cheat alot, but even I have standards

Whatever makes your boat float :ernae: