Does anyone have the NextGen Embraer 110? I'm curious about opinions, and I'd like to know if it uses the MSFS native tail number system.
I've already seen a few of those. I was hoping someone here had bought it and would have some input.
As for the package itself, I have a couple of niggles. The sound is OK at best. I downloaded the improvement pack from and tried out the King Air sound replacement, but as soon as you turn on the battery, you get the "engaging autopilot" announcement - immersion killer. I am running the clean glass module, since the default really needs to have a bottle or two of Windex applied to it. I haven't tried the performance module yet - I want to get to know the plane as-is so I can have an idea of what's really changed when I put it in. The only other issue is that both the Ng and Nh tachometers are taking their inputs from the same source, because there is never any difference.