Night Mission for ETO Exp: Patrol over enemy country


Charter Member
Can you survive? Will be uploaded soon...


you are a mission building mission - a real chip off the Pilotsden block.

(please) keep up the good work

Thanks MC, but i'll have to learn a l-o-o-o-t just to come at least near PD.
this is a great looking much going on around the hill I can barely see the targets.........must have been a mess for real.....thanks!
hi see mission out , where do i place this mission ....1945 1936 etc,,, missions set


:kilroy:Loverboy1, if you look at the outside of the mission xml, it should be clear. The name of the mission is "Beau night Patrol E3w.xml". E3w means Era 3, whatif. I had suggested that Nonato use this naming convention for the reason of eliminating confusion. Everything about this naming convention is in the readme that comes with the mission.

For the record again:

Era 1 = 1936
Era 2 = bob
Era 3 = 1943
Era 4 = 1944
Era 5 = 1945

Always set ETO to Era 1 when installing anything.
ok got the right era ,,in warp i get botted out after waypoint 2 , if i use war mode this normal, otherwise works fine
:kilroy:Loverboy1, did you install the ETO Expansion Update 1.02? If you didn't, you will have problems with new missions. Also, you must run the Spawn Selector and set it to "2. Disable Random Spawns" when playing missions.:d
Selector and set it to "2. Disable Random Spawns

do i do this any time from any era i play mission,,cause i didnt .lol