night runway lights in fs2004 golden wings3


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a question for the scenery specialists;
in golden wings there are no runway lights at night, to get them back from the original fs2004,
which are the folders concerned?
As I have the original fs2004 and the golden wings on my hd I believe that I can recopy the folders concerned and reimplant the into fsgw3.

Happy landings
Michael "Papi" Vader
This issue was discussed depth just a couple weeks ago. Here's the thread:

But remember, there are no runway lights in GW for a reason - they would be very out of place in that sim. Night flying was almost unheard of in the Golden Age, and virtually no airports had runway lights. Only the Air Mail flew at night. Private pilots flew pretty much only by day. Airliners landed at dusk and sent their passengers to hotels, or put them on trains. Not even the military flew at night, which is why it was such a disaster when the U.S. Army was suddenly tasked to fly the mail when the Air Mail contracts were cancelled in the thirties.

There is a means suggested in the earlier thread that should enable you to turn on the runway lights in GW, but if you do, it won't be like flying in the Golden Age anymore - except in the daytime.

thank you friends,
I got my runway lights back.
Of course in the golden age mind runway lights might be discutable.
In fact for me what will be more the time that I want to have in my flightsim
would be from the early 30'ies to the sixties.
As child I had the pleasure (for me) to live the arrivals and departures with the good old
propeller driven planes from and to Berlin Tempelhof.
It was very impressionate to land what was for me through a corridor of houses before landing at Tempelhof.
What a time it was !

Thank you again for your help.

Michael "Papi" Vader