Night Vision for FS9


G'Day --

At some point a while back there was a thread going here about a "Night Vision" effect for FSX that worked in FS9. I remember downloading the file from the link and having a go, only to have FS9 toss out the .dll saying that it was 'unuseable'. I remember seeing screenies from other folks who got it to work, saying that "Shift - F12" turned it on and off.

Is there a mod that has to be in place to work for FS9? Does it really work in FS9? Thought I'd get some feedback before I "round-file" the download altogether.

Thanks -- BB686:USA-flag:
Hi all, new to this forum but I frequent others.
I downloaded the NVG effect when it first became available and loaded it up to my simming computer (using FS9). When I loaded the flight i pressed the assigned key command with no visible change. I read somewhere on a topic which was a spin off from the NVG effect regarding the 'bloom effect' that it could be to do with the Direct X type on my computer, so I downloaded and installed the latest Direct X, still no change. However during the loading process of the flight I created i get some writing in the top left of the screen that is partially obscured by the loading progress box, that reads 'ENB Series v0.075: GTA San Andreas' followed by red writing ' Read all documents yourself'.
My simming computer is not hooked up to the internet, so everything is transferred via USB stick.
Any ideas what's going wrong?
Any help is much appreciated.
It never worked for me either, TyphoonThunder. I doubt if it's your system or that you are doing anything wrong, just that this little package may work for some setups and not others.

Gee Whiz Fellows, I D/L the file for FXNV installed it on my FS9 - started up FS9, set up the time for night, and did the SHIFT F12 and it worked fine for me. I have DX 9C and a 1 GIG video card.... it is a old Gateway E Machine - not a high end system. I did add 4 GIG of ram and the 1 GIG 8400 GS Nvida Video card. Not to hard to do and looks very cool. Take care.
Ed :icon_lol::jump:
The modules from Boris generally don't like the high AntiAliasing settings.
Also, they require a lot of video memory.
So if your AA is set too high, or if your video memory is not big enough (depends on the game resolution), or if your directX library is not up to date, then it won't work.
Sometimes you also need to modify some parameters in the ini file, too.
It also works best with NVIDIA graphics cards; less so for ATI. Also, some older graphics cards do not support DirectX 9 directly; so this effect will not work with them.
The modules from Boris generally don't like the high AntiAliasing settings.
Also, they require a lot of video memory.
So if your AA is set too high, or if your video memory is not big enough (depends on the game resolution), or if your directX library is not up to date, then it won't work.
Sometimes you also need to modify some parameters in the ini file, too.

Cheers guys.
Daube is there any way I can find out the settings of the above on my computer. Mine is a custom built machine so I have no paperwork to hand that can tell me what I'm working with on the computer.
Not too familiar with all the workings of a computer system, so is there a way to alter the AA or anything else that may be hindering the use of NV.?
you can right click ojn your desktop and hit properties on the window /box that will can then enter the software for the video card and other things...shoot im dlin a couple of planes from alfasim and have forgoten the other part of the question/qoate

you can right click ojn your desktop and hit properties on the window /box that will can then enter the software for the video card and other things...shoot im dlin a couple of planes from alfasim and have forgoten the other part of the question/quote
oh you go to start/control planel/sytem to find out hom much RAM you have and you can find info on directx bye tyoping "Diectx" in to "run" if you are using winXP it will be under start near control panel button..or in vista..on the bottom above start
Sometimes you also need to modify some parameters in the ini file, too.

Just noticed this bit now. What may need modifying?

I've also went into the contol panel>settings as Daveroo suggested, finding my RAM was rreasonably low compaed to what edmoore has stated, aound 512MB. And although my sim is working excellently, would I be right to assume this could be a factor? I have also found I have NVIDIA card.
Just noticed this bit now. What may need modifying?

I've also went into the contol panel>settings as Daveroo suggested, finding my RAM was rreasonably low compaed to what edmoore has stated, aound 512MB. And although my sim is working excellently, would I be right to assume this could be a factor? I have also found I have NVIDIA card.

There are some parameters in the very beginning of the ini file that can have an impact on the stability, depending on the hardware.
Just have a look on the original website, there's a documentation page on those parameters.