No Air Spawns


I suddenly cannot get any air spawns to pop up in ETO or MAW. Ground spawns continue to appear normally. Sure would appreciate any suggestions.

Have you checked the air.spawns file in your spawns folder?
Does the content match the era and the spawn type you have selected?
If you are unsure please post the content of the file here.

Good luck

Thanks for the replies, guys.
These are defined spawns in single mission mode. I became aware of the problem when I tried missions that were working fine last week (same spawn files, same mission files) and no air targets appeared. I have tried numerous spawns in numerous mission files, each one multiple times, and cannot get air spawns to appear. Ground vehicles appear normally. I have not knowingly changed any settings. I have tried a computer re-start. Air spawns DO continue to appear normally in PTO.
In the spawns script that don't work, they call for specific aircrafts or is it random (#fighter for exemple)?

I've done some more experiments. No air or ship spawns with specific aircraft or ships OR with random aircraft or ships. Ground (land) vehicles spawning normally.