No weapon sounds and landing gear doesn't drop with Komet


Charter Member
Hi all,

Downloaded the Komet today and it's a joy to fly! Very tricky to land!

However, I've encountered two problems.

First one being I'm not getting any cannon sounds, even though I copied and pasted all lines into the sounds.xml file in my main game folder.

The second one is the landing gear dolly doesn't drop when I raise the landing skid.

I'm using the autohotkey module that came with it and I've installed the required effects lines into effects.xml.

I'm using ETO 1.50 with AnKor's shaders and SweetFX.

Anyone have any suggestions?


Problem 1, did you copy the sound files too? Do you get this issue on both the B-0 and B-1a, or just one? I double checked the files, everything in the download seems to be in order.

Problem 2, are you using the stock key assignments as mentioned in the readme? Do the wheels stay visible, or disappear without dropping? The other thing is technique, are you pitching up slightly as you raise the skid as recommended in the notes? A positive g-load is necessary for getting the dolly to drop.

Anyone else having these issues?

I hope that helps.

Hi Daniel,

Tried what you said and I double checked that all files are added.

They're all there. Both the B-1 and B-2 Models are having the sounds and landing gear issues.

Any suggestions?


1. If all files included are installed (contents of guns, weapons, and sounds folders plus the lines added to the sounds.xml) I really don't know what could be wrong. Do the other sound effects work? Check if you hear the sound of the powered AI versions when you select them in the menu, and fly the player version at very high speed, you should hear an overspeed warning horn and the sound of shaking and rattling in the cockpit. Do those work?

2. Run the autohotkey module and open notepad or some other text program. When you press the G key, it should type "gSg" and the cursor should move to the next line in the document. Does it?
1) I tried that, again no luck. I put the aircraft straight down and increased airspeed and got no warning tone or anything.

2) Yes, that works. I type g and I get gSg followed by the cursor going down to the next line. So, I guess that works
1. I forgot to mention that the warning horn is only installed in the B-1a. But assuming that was what you were flying and none of the other sounds I mentioned worked, what about how you edited the sounds.xml? Did you put the lines in at the bottom of the file immediately above the final </SoundDescriptions> line?

2. So the program works, but it isn't communicating correctly with CFS3 for some reason. Is G assigned to landing gear? Is shift+s assigned to select next payload? Is control+j assigned to jettison payload?
Yes, I haven't touched any of the control settings at all.

I've disabled my anti-virus thinking that would make a difference, but unfortunately it didn't.

I tried tweaking the effects and sounds xml files and unfortunately it didn't do anything.
I am out of ideas, it seems like everything is installed correctly and set up right. I have no idea why it isn't working.:banghead:
I'm going to try completely uninstalling the Komet and reinstalling it. Maybe something didn't carry over?
I've come up with a possible fix for the weapon sounds and I managed to get the landing gear to work.

I'm going to assign different guns to the Komet, but I'm not sure how to change the loadout.

I'm thinking the same guns that are on the Me-262 A2A should work.
You could try one more thing - remove the <GECKO_ME_163B_EFFECTS_MARCH_6_2016/> and <END_GECKO_ME_163B_EFFECTS_MARCH_6_2016/> tags from the sounds.xml. They exist only for organization purposes and didn't cause a problem in testing, but perhaps some systems don't like them. The other thing would be to check your in-game volume settings.

Failing that, yes, the Me 262 uses the same gun as the Me 163B-1a. Use "20mmmg151_gun" for the Me 163B-0.
Gecko, your work on this Komet is absolutely amazing!
I've never had more fun flying an airplane before. I'm still having some problems with the landing gear dolly not dropping on takeoff, but I think I found the problem. My anti-virus is doing something. I got the cannon sounds working, just had to replace them with the default sounds.
I'm absolutely overjoyed at how much fun it is to fly and understand how much of a challenge it actually was ro fly the real thing.

Looking forward to your Spitfire with the engine control module.

Anti-virus issues make sense. Is there are way to add it as an exception? Or have it trust all programs run from your CFS3 folder?

I'm quite confused as to why the sounds won't play. Can you play them in media player or anything? Is it the same for the other sounds in the download?

Glad you're enjoying flying it! This was the basic version. Later there will be an enhanced version that uses all the special features of Ankor's shaders and adds another layer of detail and complexity with a much more complex autohotkey module.
I'm still having some problems with the landing gear dolly not dropping on takeoff, but I think I found the problem

hi grover1,
I think I cant offer better hints / tips to what gecko sad already, just my 2c:

the autohotkey feature is exe file, so it really could cause AV or Windows system admin permission issues to run it, indeed.

well, if the autohotkey feature doesnt work, I would suggest make such steps:

* shut down the autohotkey feature - check this with windows task manager
* run the CFS3 game and check hows the key control settings / check the curret key assigment, if it match with the Komet readme
* select at game menu your Komet airplane (not the * or AI version), set Ground Start settings
* try a "manual" airplane take-off, use keys just like the Komet readme says

if the manual take-off is not ok, you probably didnt made the flight technique properly, check the Komet readme...
if the manual take-off is ok, you can try exit the game, run the autohotkey feature now, run the game again and try the "single-key (G)" take-off now...

glad you like our Komet and wish good luck, mate ;)
hi grover1,
I think I cant offer better hints / tips to what gecko sad already, just my 2c:

the autohotkey feature is exe file, so it really could cause AV or Windows system admin permission issues to run it, indeed.

well, if the autohotkey feature doesnt work, I would suggest make such steps:

* shut down the autohotkey feature - check this with windows task manager
* run the CFS3 game and check hows the key control settings / check the curret key assigment, if it match with the Komet readme
* select at game menu your Komet airplane (not the * or AI version), set Ground Start settings
* try a "manual" airplane take-off, use keys just like the Komet readme says

if the manual take-off is not ok, you probably didnt made the flight technique properly, check the Komet readme...
if the manual take-off is ok, you can try exit the game, run the autohotkey feature now, run the game again and try the "single-key (G)" take-off now...

glad you like our Komet and wish good luck, mate ;)

Good evening, BorekS

I'm going to try what you said tomorrow afternoon.

Sound like I'm doing something wrong, probably didn't read the manual or something like that.

The other thing I wad thinking was that I'm not running the program as an administrator. Could very easily be that.

Love your work! Are you new to CFS3?

I would love to make my own aircraft someday, but no time right now.

Thanks for your help!
thanks ;) would be great if the mentioned hints and tips could help...

as to the question if I am new to CFS3, well, Yes... and No :)

I am creating game stuff since end of 90s, starting with MS FS98. the currently released CFS3 Komet
is visualy almost unchanged for 14 years (the external model, you can check it here), I did it and and adapted during times for FS2002, FS2004, CFS2 and later for CFS3, a long time ago already :) but I never was happy with the results, to share it public.

also because of long brakes meanwhile I forgot almost everything Ive learnt relating to flightsim stuff development.
I am not stick deeply with flight sims anymore because of race sim modding, so I was very happy when gecko offered to help me finish the Komet for CFS3
Got everything working!

Turned out I had to run the auto hotkey module in Administrator Mode.

Haven't had much of a chance to dogfight with the Komet yet

Thanks for your help
Glad it's working now. I'll make sure to add that note about administrator mode to the enhanced version's readme. Speaking of which, yes, if you haven't read the readme and other two pdf documents, they are intended to prevent frustration and increase your understanding of the aircraft. In your case, it doesn't seem like it would have fixed your problems, but I think they will increase your enjoyment.