None functioning flight crew



Hi all,

Why os it when flying bomber missions the air gunners do nothing when aircraft is attacked? :help:
may be no target in fighting distance? mean your own aircraft or the others you are flying with??
more specifics

ok when flying with a bomber, the AI air gunners do not defend the IL2 Stormovik the do. :help:
They do defend the bomber, and I've got the scars to prove it.

Seriously, what do you mean? I've often seen AI attacking fighters fail to make it through a group of bombers.
Thanks all is hunky dori, my crew beat off 3 fighters
Friends...all is ok have put on the correct specs lol....

Thanks fpr your assistance.

Lol, I've just spent 1/2 an hour getting a screenie of ai gunners in action then I come here and notice you've fixed it anyway. :) Glad all is ok now Stoneage (I'm a bit of an old stoneage punk myself, only without so much hair these days).

Here's Little Joe Strummer our ball turret gunner, and Topper Headon in the tail giving Herr Bertram a hard time...

Nice skin on the 24. Is it from Firepower?

:gossip: Don't tell anyone but it's the FP B24 with a skin from Bob 'rbp71854' Park. There will be a utility to mod the FP US Heavies for use with the ETO 1.2. It has some gorgeous paintjobs included!