Northrop Alpha thinks it is a NASCAR racer


Retired SOH Admin
Working on NCGent's Northrop Alpha...every texture file has been touched in one way or panel line details, 2D and VC panels redone in nice fancy wood, engine detailing repainted, blurred prop texture has been replaced.

Anyhooos...on the ground, while taxiing, the plane thinks it is a NASCAR car and will only turn to the left. Trying to turn to the right ends up with the plane bucking like a stallion with red hot shoes on its hooves.

My air file and config file skills are, to put it mildly....lacking. Anyone have any clue as to how to get the plane to turn to the right?

Anyhooos...on the ground, while taxiing, the plane thinks it is a NASCAR car and will only turn to the left. Trying to turn to the right ends up with the plane bucking like a stallion with red hot shoes on its hooves.
This occured to me once upon a time. As I recall it was actually related to the default flight. The problem occured when I switched to a multi-engine aircraft from a single engine aircraft. Apparently, FS9 gets confused.

Try loading another flight, then load the Northrup Alpha and see what happens.

Also, as another suggestion, check you autopilot. If its on by accident it could send you where you don't want to go.


Thats another model I am remaking in the very near future. Started on it a week or so ago. As far as why it wont has a built in feature that disables left turns unless you have your turn signal


The Alpha and F-91 have totally convinved me that I really need to sell a bit more blood so I can buy some of your newer packages. If you older planes are so nice, I really need to see what you are producing now.

It might be a contact point issue but I'm not sure. I tried setting the tailwheel lock to 0 (was originally 1) but that didn't do anything. Neither did using differential brakes. The reason I think it's a contact point issue is that once it gets in the air it's fine; it'll even turn right. I was coming in a bit hot (about 100mph) for a landing, barely touched the left wheel to the ground and it registered as a crash. I'll try to look into it some more. I'm thinking about swapping cfg information from another plane, say Thicko's Gamma 2E and seeing what that does. If it still crashes and bucks when you turn right it might just be that we need to fiddle with the contact points then. We'll see...:kilroy:

That one texture you did was brilliant! Love it...

Red and White with checkers...


Thanks Bill...unfortunately I lost it when my HD/OS took a dump on I will have to recreate it..along with all the other paints I did for the F-91. I have the paint template nearly it won't be long before I am slinging paint again.
