Not able to file kill claim


WWI Flying Ace

I've been enjoying BH&H immensly - even though the ol' computer tends to start smoking when I "fly"!I've had this happen a few times so far - I'll get a message that "You destroyed such and such..." but I won't get the opportunity to fill out a claims form after the mission. I work too hard to get these kills and more times then not don't even get credit for the ones I can fill out the forms for!!
I've been enjoying BH&H immensly - even though the ol' computer tends to start smoking when I "fly"!I've had this happen a few times so far - I'll get a message that "You destroyed such and such..." but I won't get the opportunity to fill out a claims form after the mission. I work too hard to get these kills and more times then not don't even get credit for the ones I can fill out the forms for!!

Your flying campaign and not Quick combat right?
I noticed after the last patch that my kill claims were auto set to easiest. Maybe that is why you did not get the form. In witch case you will get the kill no matter what. Take a look in the workshop and see.

Hey! I finally registered so now i can add my 2 cents.

So i have noticed this happen to me a few times. However, the times i would not receive the claim report were the times that i shot an enemy craft up really bad and let it fly off (usually because i ran out of ammo). then 5-10 minutes later i would receive the "plane destroyed" message. At the end of those missions, it would not give me the option to fill out a claim report. After a couple of times of this i decided i was going to follow the beat up enemy craft trying to flee the field. After about 5 minutes it became really obvious that this guy was not going to crash due to the 100 or so rounds i sprayed his plane with. So i broke off my pursuit as he was crossing back over his lines. again, maybe 10 minutes after i disengaged, i received the "plane destroyed" message.

Something must have happened to the plane after he was far enough away. My original thought was that he was shot down by someone else. But for it to happen to every plane that i get a couple bullets before it flees is a little unlikely. So my next thought is that it must be that the plane has landed and the system decides that it has been "destroyed" similar to how if you land your plane at the end of a mission it quickly despawns you.

maybe? well at least that's what im telling myself when i end a mission without a claim report. (THo, the frequency of this happening to me is much less since my gunnery skills have been improving)
Yes - I'm talking campaign and I checked - workshop is set to normal and I have witnessed these kills as well...
Same problem here. Flying for 9 RNAS, I destroyed a balloon but was given no claim form after the flight.

The mission was botched. We were supposed to attack a railyard but got jumped en route and I got separated from my wingmen. I was just trying to get back over the lines, when a fat German observation balloon popped up in front of me. I brought it down in a fireball and the mission review said I destroyed it. No aerial witnesses (though plenty on the ground).

Shouldn't I have been presented with a claim form at the end of the mission? Does it matter that the mission was not completed? Or that I had become separated from my flight? Just trying to figure out how the claim system works.

I'm using the normal claim setting.
Queeg: You wont recieve any credit for downing a balloon you werent asigned to attack. When you come back from the mission to the campaign manager it will say "flying time: xx, congratulations on you succesful strikes" but there wont be a claim form. If you go on a balloon busting mission and get the gas bag you will get a claim form.

OR when you pop a gas bag that just 'Happened' upon, the manager looks at it as a ground target destroyed. And as such, no claim form is generated. While it depends on the generousity of the Manager, you 'may' recieve credit in your log of a Ground Target Destroyed. But I wouldn't hold my breath
I have yet to see a claim form. I haven't shot down very many planes but
I have observed planes I've shot crashing into the ground. I've never shot
down a plane in the presence of my wingys though. Not sure what's going
FYI - I've found that if I've put 800 rounds into an enemy machine and a wingmate comes by and puts 1 round into said machine and then said machine crashes - guess who gets the kill?:banghead:
Same as Deer hunting, while it SHOULD be a one-shot-kill, often it isn't.
It belongs to the last man that put a bullet into it.

While unfair, it's a lot better than 3 guys haveing a heated argument, while armed :costumes:
FYI - I've found that if I've put 800 rounds into an enemy machine and a wingmate comes by and puts 1 round into said machine and then said machine crashes - guess who gets the kill?:banghead:

It works the same the other way as well :whistle:

I have claims set to "Normal - Claims; Promotions".

I'm thinking maybe I'm a victim of the last bullet being from ground fire.
Finaly got the form. I shot down 2 EIII's out in the middle of nowhere
where there was no ground fire. I was separated from the rest of my
flight so no witnesses I'm afraid. Not much chance of being confirmed.

What is the number after the claim writeup in your log book?
What is the number after the claim writeup in your log book?

No one knows except the developers, and they are keeping it secret.

A large cash prize awaits whomever who unravels the DaWinder Code (grin).
Well I got a 20 and thought it might be the percent chance that my claims
would be confirmed. LOL.
Finaly got the form. I shot down 2 EIII's out in the middle of nowhere
where there was no ground fire. I was separated from the rest of my
flight so no witnesses I'm afraid. Not much chance of being confirmed.

What is the number after the claim writeup in your log book?

Eneter your wingmen names no matter what, pretend you flew them over the crash after but enter names. I think you might need in the 70s to have a good chance although anything can happen (and i really don't know) , here is a sample of one below at 96 and one other that was 90s that was confirmed..

