Not able to reinstall ETO


Charter Member 2012
I had to uninstall ETO. I deleted all ETO files from pc. I have a clean CFS3 installed.when I start to install ETO the first splash screen saying that ETO is dedicated to ED Wilson douse not show up. I Had no problem the first time I installed ETO. Anyone know what is wrong?
Thanks, flyer01
Creating a New Install Process:

Run the CFS3 ETO Expansion Install program. The default path for the install is:
C:\Program Files\Microsoft Games
Change the install path if your Microsoft Games folder is at a different location, by clicking the button to the right of the install path text.
The first step is that the installer will create a CFS3 ETO Expansion directory and copy your Combat Flight Simulator 3 files to the newly created directory.
At the prompt "Do you want to run A_make_CFS3 ETO Expansion Directory.exe" click yes.
You will see the default path C:\Program Files\Microsoft Games, browse to change the path to match your computer. Click ok, next and start.
Next a command window will open press any key to begin the process of making your CFS3 ETO Expansion directory and to copy your Combat Flight Simulator 3 files to the newly created folder CFS3 ETO Expansion.
Next, the command window will ask you if you want to overwrite the files. Select "A" for All.
At the end press the any key to finish the process of making a CFS3 ETO Expansion Folder.
The 2nd phase of the installer is to now copy the CFS3 ETO Expansion Files to the newly created folder.
The default path will be C:\Program Files\Microsoft Games\CFS3 ETO Expansion
Select your path you want to install the files

OK, the installer is not copying my CFS3 files and then adding the ETO files. I am using the download of ETO that I used the first Time I downloaded ETO and it worked fine. I have uninstalled ETO befor and reinstalled it and it worked fine. GH's Is this a known Problem or is this a new problem with ETO. Thank you, FLYER01
It sounds perhaps that your install program has become corrupt. I would delete your unzipped installer program and unzip the CFS3 ETO Expansion zip again. Then try to reinstall. During the numerous times that the ETO team installed and reinstall the ETO I don't recall this situation being encountered.
:kilroy:Flyer01, try this. Before you do anything else, look in the Programs Files/Microsoft Games folder and see if there is a self-installer in there. It sounds like this may be your problem. For safety sake, don't try to run it. Just delete it and then delete all evidence of the CFS3 ETO Expansion from Program Files/Microsoft Games, Application Data, and My Documents. Then try to re-install and see what happens. This very thing happened to me early on. I don't think it's the game as much as one of those things with the machine. Who knows, maybe a couple of electrons rubbing against each other the wrong way. Also, do what rpb71854 said. Of course, if none of this works, use the link from the sticky above and download it again. Good luck.:d

(It sounds perhaps that your install program has become corrupt.) That is what it was. I moved the install to another spot on my PC and something went wrong . Had another copy saved and it installs fine. Lesson learned>------ When installing ETO and the first splash screen is the Dedication of ETO to ED Wilson your fine........ if not bad file.
Thank You For Your Help, flyer 01:medals:
received and installed

flyer01 did kind enough send me copy of this wonderful expansion on a DVD. However, I did received a PM from flyer01 that it was (or maybe) corrupted. As usual for most receiving addons which I requested, I ran a virus scan on the main file CFS3 ETO Expansion Rev 1.0 which is 1.17 GB. No errors there. Testing my new laptop which runs Vista, I install for the first time, if I can remember, did not work. However, I ran it the second time, it finally clicked in with the "Dedication of..." splash screen. The installation did work this time. This was Vista so I haven't use it on this computer (desktop) which runs XP.

Guys, could one of you check your copy of this file CFS3 ETO Expansion Rev 1.0 and see if it's 1.17 GB?

Is there a conflict between Vista and XP? Like I said, I haven't check it with this computer yet....

So far, it works great on Vista?! (The multiplaying part HAS NOT been checked yet, still looking into it)


Guys, disregard this message. I have noticed there was another link to download the file. Thanks!! :ernae:

I had compared the file of what flyer01 has given me. He was right. It was slightly modified somehow. The date for CFS3 ETO Expansion Rev 1.0 that I had received from the link is: Sept. 22, 2008 5:46 pm. flyer01's version was: Sept. 22, 2008 6:46 pm. Thanks for the head up, flyer01.