not really HU! but still... Bucker 133

The filename over at FltSim is ''. But it's for FS2004. The one that is for FSX is ''.
Chuck B
Not wishing to put a dampener on things, but wasn't Pureflight Simulations model payware?

IIRC their Bu 131 was free, not the 133.

Has this been officially released as freeware now?


Get me the filename and I can add a perma-link.

Flightsim's filename is : it is intended to work on FsX but surprizingly works well also on fs9.

MotorMouse, The only thing i know is that Pureflight simulation has gone out of business, I found their Bu-133 on simviation also :

Edit: file available at avsim library too :

It was uploaded around last june. I suppose the files on flightsim/simviation are checked by a moderator prior approving the upload ?

Not wishing to put a dampener on things, but wasn't Pureflight Simulations model payware?

IIRC their Bu 131 was free, not the 133.

Has this been officially released as freeware now?



Well, I dunno about past releases, but in the documentation it says in big, all capital letters, "THIS PRODUCT IS FREEWARE."
I use it from age
BTW the main landing gear it's a problem as it sunk in the runway when the aircraft is rolling (half wheel sunk)
I never found a good solution :banghead:
...BTW the main landing gear it's a problem as it sunk in the runway when the aircraft is rolling (half wheel sunk)
I never found a good solution :banghead:

It's gotta be those muddy airfields. Try flying from paved runways. :adoration:
Well, I dunno about past releases, but in the documentation it says in big, all capital letters, "THIS PRODUCT IS FREEWARE."

also says
Permission is granted hereby to you by the author to use this livery for Installation, but not for addons distribution, they need permission from the owner.

So thats confusing as well.

The files on the other sites are all the same one by same author.


also says .

So thats confusing as well.

The files on the other sites are all the same one by same author.



The way I understand it, the restriction is on the skin by the painter, not on the model by the modeler. If one should post it elsewhere, I take it, they need the painter's permission, or else they should leave out the skin. Seems odd, but it's not unheard of for different contributors on a project to have different restrictions on their parts. Remember, for example, how for so many years AlphaSims freeware planes came without a panel?

In this case,perhaps it has something to do with the business that owned the product originally released going out of business and out of existence, while the painter is still alive and kicking and has his own ideas about what should be done with his part of the project. That's his prerogative I think, unless he signed away all rights to that non-existent entity Pureflight Simulations, and he presumably didn't do that. I don't think anyone plans to redistribute the skin. I believe that what's proposed here is the painting of new skins. Those, I suppose, ought to be painted from scratch, not just by modifying the textures that come with the plane.

That the model, aside from the skin, is freeware seems beyond a doubt. I can think of only one way to interpret, "THIS PRODUCT IS FREEWARE." Not much room for misunderstanding there.