Not your average airliners..


Retired SOH Administrator
Just a few odd variations on the Jumbo theme; the E-4B Nightwatch:


The SOFIA, or Stratospheric Observatory For Infrared Astronomy:


And the YAL-1A, better known as the Airborne laser:



Ready, aim, fire! Darth Vader would have loved this! :d


Get 'em at the Project Open Sky website.

Two different 737's; the AWACS 'Wedgetail' of the RAAF:


And the P-8A poseidon, the P-3C Orion replacement:




Years ago, as a spotty youth, I doodled the Poseidon (or something pretty close), and my mates laughed at me.
Well....who'd have thought a 737 with missiles under the wings would turn up?
And, they shoot![YOUTUBE]e-KUVanSuqY[/YOUTUBE]
The RAAF AWACS plane...or one of her sister ships was parked at KBFI yesterday when I stopped by the Museum to see if Connie has made and appearance yet (not until end of year I am told).

The Poseidon sure does look a bit strange. Somehow I can't quite picture a 737 circling low and slow over the water trying to find a sub :D

I like the SOFIA jumbo, there was a little BBC news article on it a month ago and I wondered when it would appear.
Missed two more..: The shuttle carrier:


And the 'LCF', without a doubt the ugliest 747 around!:




Hi Smoothie... I've searched the POS site per your link, but cannot locate the Dreamlifter (LCF) download. Can you point me at it, please?

- H52
Thanks Ferry for the heads up.

Man..........! They have been busy! Some great looking rare birds there. They didnt get a government contract to make all those, did they?

I am surprized they havent done the 797 Blended Wing.

Not yet, but they are working on the new 747-8i; wish they would add a vc to their 747 models, the one in their 777 looks great!
Apparently, Jacob Kubique has not expressed an interest or doesn't have the time or whatever to do a VC for the 747 series. Hiroshi's external models are still well worth the bandwidth to get the ones you like.

Just don't try to combine different varients. Different airlines have slightly different model variants, which in turn have slightly different mapping. There are even XML controlled model parts with custom control files (in the panel folder) to show/hide different antennas and control custom animations. The air files are also custom tuned to those varients. The one thing you can combine is an aliased sound pack for RR, PW, etc.

I also have a beta copy of the new 747-800F with its new GENx engines mounted on the all-new wings that flex like the 787!