Note pad tutorial help needed


Charter Member
Is there somewhere i can learn how to use and edit with notepad in Win 7 64 bit ? I only know a basic knowledge Copy and paste. Was able to do a complex,(to me),install of the ETO expansion , so i'm not too dumb.:dizzy: Can someone point me in the right direction ? Thanks for any help

I'm not too sure about a tutorial as such, although I would suggest just searching on google for Windows Notepad tutorial or something similar.

Two functions I use quite a bit to speed things up when using notepad are the Edit/Find (or Find Next) which is useful for finding certain words or other entries quickly. Another useful, and similar function is Edit/Replace, which as the name suggests replaces words, letters, symbols etc with another word, letter or symbol with another. Once you click on either of these functions the process for using them is pretty self evident. Just read the dialogue and fill in the boxes as necessary.

Another function that can sometimes be useful is Format/Word Wrap. If you ever type out command lines it is useful to leave this off so the line of commands is complete with no spaces in the wrong place. For normal use it is better to leave it on, as word wrap keeps the text within the horizontal borders, so you don't need to scroll across to read all of the text.

It would be worth searching for more information as you can go as far as using Windows Command Prompt to search for entries within text files within a folder etc. I found a Command Prompt command called rename (ren) with which you can rename a bunch of files simultaneously, which is really useful when making scenery, especially large batches of photo scenery.
