Nothing like a nice fresh install....that fully works!


Retired SOH Admin
I have three installs of FS9 that I have been moving around for a while...from one HD to another, from old system to new. They worked...mostly. The flight planner was the biggest failure. And the installs have gotten bloated (once again) with planes that I really don't fly...lots of planes that I downloaded, flew once and have not flown since.

So today I did a single fresh install, updated it, dropped in the enhancements that I use (replacement sky, clouds, trees, runways and taxiways, that sort of stuff) and have begun moving over those planes that I fly on a regular basis. This install will be reserved for my Go To planes.

I will maintain my other installs with their massive aircraft collections as they contain planes that I do fly from time to time....but not often enough to move into my fresh install.

Still have a lot of tweaking to do and a lot of scenery to set up (going to streamline all my scenery even more), but now I can create working flight plans without my sim crashing. This evening I will begin the first of 50 flights....will fly across each state from one end to another at low level so I can soak in the wonderful scenery that our find nation has to offer....this is as close as I will come to seeing the USA in my Chevrolet.

The new one will become bloated too. Resistance only delays the inevitable! Or if your a Trek person "resistance is futile".
lol, what he said!!

I set up a 'test' install, just vanilla with new mesh and clouds (clouds for the look, mesh in case I build some scenery). Everything goes through that before entering the installs proper. Problem is, nothing makes it through the test phase as there is always more to do to them thar planes, lol. Finding myself only flying in my test install, now that's just sad!!

Best of luck,
Jamie new install will just be for those planes that I actually fly on a regular basis. All new planes will go into my original 3 installs for testing and tweaking and to see if they are planes that become part of my GO TO pack.
