Notice from the Free Flight Site

No Dice

Charter Member
The Free Flight Site will no longer accept submissions for review from gmail accts unless I know you. period.
I will delete them without second thought. I just spent 36 hours rebuilding my rig from scratch because of
some ahole that has nothing better to due with his time than destroy others hard work.

sorry to hear it, Dave.
as if you have nothing better to do, right.
i have a hard time comprehending why people want to that kind of thing.

just once, wouldn't you love to get your hands on one of them?
it may sound a bit draconian,
but i can't help but wonder
how they would like wiping their ass with a hook?
Must be a relative to the dim wit who "tagged" with spray paint a centenary maple tree in our local municipal park.

In-breeding is known to do that.:biggrin-new:

Have a happy new year despite all these feeble-minded morons.
well, Dave. i wouldn't bother with the genitalia.
it seems to me that this sort of person
has no use for those items anyway.
i would go for the eyes and hands.
kinda hard to hack if one can't see or type.
but, what can i say, i'm a bit of a druid.

that said, here's wishing All a happy, healthy and prosperous New Year.
being a druid, the new year started on the winter solstice.
in my book, there's a day to celebrate.
Earth has made the turn and the days are getting longer.
the cycle continues.
who could ask for more?
what ever do you mean, hubba?
i have no idea what you're referring to.
...and who is that old coot?
..and what's that smirk on his face about?
must be up to something devious, i'll bet.

and a Happy New Year to you, too, my friend.