"Now what's he up to?"

Matt Wynn

Charter Member
well.... after a break from FS9 work to focus on Profile art, i've found a Balance between the two... weekends are for repaints... as such i've started my next 'Facelift' project.... only started at 7am this morning (2hrs 40mins ago!) and all i have done are some new lines on the front half, these aren't the final lines either, got to trace them over with a more precise brush :icon_lol: i'm a nutter for details....

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well.... after a break from FS9 work to focus on Profile art, i've found a Balance between the two... weekends are for repaints... as such i've started my next 'Facelift' project.... only started at 7am this morning (2hrs 40mins ago!) and all i have done are some new lines on the front half, these aren't the final lines either, got to trace them over with a more precise brush :icon_lol: i'm a nutter for details....

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Tornado! which model is the base for your work?

....still only working the underside and front section of fuselage... this could take a while..... :icon_lol:
i'm not modelling ;) this is the old IRIS/DSB Tornado GR.4... i'm just giving it a texture facelift :salute:
That "Old IRIS/DSB Tornado GR4" still gets a lot of air time in my sim. It's a kick to fly low and fast in. Have to admit, I 've added a few things to the panel over the years.:salute:

...and thats the upper wing and fuselage surfaces roughed out.... this is definitely going to take a while...