Nuke_CFS-3 BDP


Charter Member
This an old one from Av-History files.

Can it be edited for my new BOB install and my own CFS MAD installs.

I believe it was set up originally for CFS3.

I believe a simple edit can be done?

Methinks all the bdp zappers work pretty much the same...
You can also choose a folder,
do a search for "*.bdp" (without the quotes),
and then recycle those 10 jillion bdp files :dizzy:

Is there a reason you want to do this?

I did try modifying the file but noticed " Access denied," in the dialogue box.

I am wondering if it is the " Administrator," approval I should be reviewing?

I did try modifying the file but noticed " Access denied," in the dialogue box.

I am wondering if it is the " Administrator," approval I should be reviewing?


Its a *.bat file, so you do the following:

1. Right-click on it and take Properties.

2. Un-check Read only box and click Apply button, then OK buttton.

3. Right-click on it again and choose Edit.

4. Change the necessary info and save.

5. Right-click on it again, choose Properties again, and re-check the Read only box.

6. Close it down and you're done.
What Grizzly 50 says!

Its useful to have a BDP zapper in each install. I call mine "A Nuke CFS-3 BDP.bat"

It can be made by putting the following text into a .txt file, then renaming the file to .bat :

del "D:\Combat Flight Simulator Bob\*.bdp" /s

or whatever pathway to whatever install you want.