Numbers Flying CFS3


Charter Member
You would think by the participants of this forum that numbers are thin. However, I have seen one sign of encouragement. The number of downloads of my CFS3 Upgrade Package (versions 1 and 2) is now north of 700.

That's quite a lot of discs of the old original CFS3 still in circulation! Has anyone seen the numbers for the latest WWI offerings by the WOFF guys? That must be in the thousands, one would think. I wonder when Microsoft stopped pressing copies of CFS3? Not forgetting the Ubisoft DVD version of course.
''That's quite a lot of discs of the old original CFS3 still in circulation!''

Ha ha D.....I wonder who uses the 'disc' these days..;)

I think you're right though, there has a been a slight resurgeance. TBH if a professional package/installer for Ankor's shaders was commercially available, and people saw just how CFS3 can now look, there would be a whole lot more people...BUT youngsters love the pay-to-win scenario such as WoT, WoW, WoB et al, which all look superb but not only unreal but also historically inaccurate scenarios.


''That's quite a lot of discs of the old original CFS3 still in circulation!''

Ha ha D.....I wonder who uses the 'disc' these days..;)

. . .



LOL, don't forget the Ubisoft DVD had the cfs3.exe version which did not require to be inserted to run the game. . .

Anyway guys I guess the point was not the use of the "unmentionable", but that a whole lot of people must still have the discs to install the basic vanilla version to allow upgrades .:wavey:
Well, the average upload seems to get around 60 downloads in a short period after release, so I'd put my estimate of avid CFS3-ers who are reasonably comfortable installing things themselves around there, while your upgrade packages seem to appeal to a broader audience. But forum participation and feedback are a bit thin!:wiggle:
IMHO, most of those actually posting here are either doing some kind of additions to CFS3 or are having issues with it. Those who mod stuff are a minority who are in fact more interested in what they do than 'playing' the sim. Personally; it's rather like a drug as I actually would far rather just be a player!:biggrin-new: We do need tons more people who just want to play but also give feedback to what modders are doing.Meanwhile... some of us are obsessed!:dizzy::pop4::redfire:
IMHO, most of those actually posting here are either doing some kind of additions to CFS3 or are having issues with it. Those who mod stuff are a minority who are in fact more interested in what they do than 'playing' the sim. Personally; it's rather like a drug as I actually would far rather just be a player!:biggrin-new: We do need tons more people who just want to play but also give feedback to what modders are doing.Meanwhile... some of us are obsessed!:dizzy::pop4::redfire:

Yea verily, you speak the truth! :redfire:

Am having mysterious crashes in my test mule at the mo' - more crash than test - happens every few years I have to break the damn thing down and start from scratch again.
... Those who mod stuff are a minority who are in fact more interested in what they do than 'playing' the sim. ...

Haha, that could well be the case :biggrin-new:.

I can remember starting a campaign once and never finishing it. The same goes for most missions although I do a fair bit of QC to test and view stuff. Out of the box, CFS3 isn't all that immersive but it's the sandbox aspect of it that makes this sim still interesting. So maybe I simply picked up my childhood hobby of plastic modeling and transferred it to a PC... (With the additional bonus of now being able to view things from the cockpit rather than holding a model in one hand and 'flying' through my bedroom - in that respect PC stuff is more immersive!).

The idea was to start missions, campaigns and all that after finishing modding. Turns out that never happens... :biggrin-new:
Yep all I was going to do was set up a few things to be more like I wanted them, and then settle down and enjoy flying the sim. 15 years later I’m still telling myself the same thing...
LOL I've lost track of how many years I've been at this, it's a lot, but I've never flown the campaign, ever!:biggrin-new:
I'm the master of QC ! My favorite part of CFS3. Though it has been several months since i played I'm planing to get a super gaming pc just for this sim and IL-2 '46. Love CFS3 and been into it since it came out. Health problems keep me from getting a new gaming pc but time is drawing close to getting one.Thanks to all of you modders ,CFS3 just keeps getting better with time.Looking for many more years enjoying the wonderful combat flight sim. Regards,Scott
Just a thought.....

I don't fly often, but
when I fly,
I fly CFS3.

Stay simmy my friends!

I just really like making stuff. I fly once in a while but mostly making and modding new and old stuff.
Still flying CFS3 Rev 1.5

My CFS 3 Sim is still my fave,i wish there were more missions to install to make it grow.
Anyway still in the game.

CFS3 is the only flight sim on my PC these days (all WW2 variations). I've mostly been at sea recently (Atlantic Fleet), but I go through moods and will return to the skies in due course!
I enjoyed just flying in the sim originally. After some interaction with Wildbat, he set me on the path to making my own skins. Then I got into modifying/re-purposing things and it has been a love/hate relationship with CFS3 since. Always having to overcome obstacles to accomplish some crazy mod and then receiving assistance from the knowledgeable people on the forum has been a great learning experience that has translated into other hobbies and even things in life.

Due to certain life events, I am unable to 'fly' or be otherwise involved in any sim (game PC in storage)...I hope to return to CFS3 as soon as possible. Meanwhile, I will continue to follow the excellent updates and new stuff our skilled developers/painters have given us! Thank you all!!!
IMHO, most of those actually posting here are either doing some kind of additions to CFS3 or are having issues with it. Those who mod stuff are a minority who are in fact more interested in what they do than 'playing' the sim. Personally; it's rather like a drug as I actually would far rather just be a player!:biggrin-new: We do need tons more people who just want to play but also give feedback to what modders are doing.Meanwhile... some of us are obsessed!:dizzy::pop4::redfire:

Hi , Mongoose ....this refer to me ? LOL .....You know very well how many i love the ww2 era combat flight sims
Haha, that could well be the case :biggrin-new:.

I can remember starting a campaign once and never finishing it. The same goes for most missions although I do a fair bit of QC to test and view stuff. Out of the box, CFS3 isn't all that immersive but it's the sandbox aspect of it that makes this sim still interesting. So maybe I simply picked up my childhood hobby of plastic modeling and transferred it to a PC... (With the additional bonus of now being able to view things from the cockpit rather than holding a model in one hand and 'flying' through my bedroom - in that respect PC stuff is more immersive!).

The idea was to start missions, campaigns and all that after finishing modding. Turns out that never happens... :biggrin-new:

It is not just modding and tinkering with flight sims. Another hobby of mine is wargaming using 20 and 28mm model soldiers. My favourite era's being English Civil War and Wars of the Roses. Problem is I spend a great deal of time researching, painting models, tinkering with different rule sets and developing campaign ideas I never actually get the little guys on the table wargaming!