Nuther PhotoShop question


I am messing around with PS4 and noticed that few existing texture files open normally. Most are a fuzzy shape looking like its sprinkled with colored sand. Does PS4 only work with certain files? Is there a way to change them to an editable form then back to the original? I'm very mindful of other peoples work and for now only want to experiment for fun. If I ever get good I'll definitely share.

I am messing around with PS4 and noticed that few existing texture files open normally. Most are a fuzzy shape looking like its sprinkled with colored sand. Does PS4 only work with certain files? Is there a way to change them to an editable form then back to the original? I'm very mindful of other peoples work and for now only want to experiment for fun. If I ever get good I'll definitely share.


Sounds like you looking at dxt compressed textures. to open them you will need DXT/BMP util by Martin Wright, this will open the textures so that you can work on them and then recompress the finnished paints.

Starting from a DXT3 compressed texture file sometimes will lead to some dissapointment:
After altering the BMP and sending back to DXT3 compression, I often observed some strange pink artefacts in the texture (especially in the bordering area between two colors).

If you have any chance to start from 32bit textures (the laaaaaarge ones...), you'll come to better results!

Thanks all. I'm just starting this texturing adventure and know I've got a looong way to go. I did sucessfully made a texture change from DXT and back so there is hope. I just got a bit dissapointed in myself and decided to do some texturing on my own. I want to contribute something to the good folks here who have helped me out in the past y'know? I feel like I've been a bit of a taker for too long. So onward and upward:rapture: