NV or AMD?


Charter Member
Nvidea has always been my preferred graphics (and I think generally the FS community) and before I get v4 I realise I will need to replace my Nv 660 card with more modern 8Mb of a card.
Anybody out there cast an opinion on the new AMD 580 series in comparison to something NV like a 1060 or 1070. All the reports on YT tend to do their testings on fancy games and never ever relate to our needs. I am a bit out of the loop in regards to graphics.
8Mb won't get you far at all! On the other hand 8Gb will!

nVidia is the way to go

Ooopsie! Thanks that is the feeling in my bones too..... reckon it will be a 1070 but will have to go before the committee for scrutiny first...... HOW MUCH! :biggrin-new: