Nvidia 352.86


Charter Member
Be aware thar upgrading my GeForce GTX550 Ti video card to the latest NVIDIA 352.86 version caused several CFS3 games versions to CTD.
I had to go back to the previous version (347.88) to get things working smoothly again.
I had prolemes with making days Nvidia 353.06 .... after long test times I think I found the right adjustment but I'm not on ...
Be aware thar upgrading my GeForce GTX550 Ti video card to the latest NVIDIA 352.86 version caused several CFS3 games versions to CTD.
I had to go back to the previous version (347.88) to get things working smoothly again.

Thanks for the heads up. I'm being pestered by NVidia to update drivers at the moment.
I put in my video card settings "anisotropic filtering" position (controlled by the application)

j'ai mis dans mes reglages de carte graphique "filtrage anisotrope" en position (controlés par l'application)