Nvidia 9800 GT weird graphic display


Charter Member
hi guys, I'm quite sure that was discussed some time ago here or in cfs3 forum about 8800 nvidia card problems....
just installed the latest (180.48) drivers swapping from the prevoius 175.31 and getting this weird graphic troubles and only in FS9!
not in FSX where before I had rippling, cfs 2 and 3, IL-2, WOW, only in FS9!
I mean now I see when I look to the horizon, just to give an example, parallel slices of blue, not a fluid color going through light blue to a darker blue in a smooth transition but a series of slices of gradually darkening color...
I hope you understand what I mean, the airplane surface, inside and outside is also affected by the same problem so an help would be very welcome!
thks and cheers, gianluca
Make sure you have your graphics set up in FS2004 set for 32 bit color and the resolution matches that of your monitor. For some reason, changing drivers sometimes resets the graphics card configuration in FS2004 resulting in some really poor looking graphics.