Nvidia Inspector?


Charter Member 2015
I been wanting to use Nvidia Inspector to adjust Prepar3D's settings. Problem is when I search for the EXE in the drop down menu it doesn't recognize it.
Has anyone got this working? If so, how?
Downloaded an ran it last night. Finally got rid of the "jaggies" ! Mine came in the form of a zip file. I just extracted it and clicked on the .exe and it opened up the GUI. I don't think it actually installs on your computer.
I've got the program already. What I need to know is how to make it recognize P3D so I can adjust from there?
I've got the program already. What I need to know is how to make it recognize P3D so I can adjust from there?

Oleboy, I don't see any way to customize directly for P3D just yet until it's added to the list of profiles, but you can set up the MS Flight Simulator X profile in Nvidia Inspector then click 'Add application to the current profile' icon and navigate to the Prepar3D.exe. I'm assuming that the FSX recommended settings work just as well in P3D... More testing to do eh!

Here's a link to the Nick Needham [very knowledgeable chap when it comes to FSX tweaks] setup guide for FSX.


Regards, Dave :salute:
Back in the days of FS9 were good. FSX has been a tweakathon. Prepar3D comes along and the fun continues.
Prepar3D is the better sim. For me it is. What LM has done with it up to now, I find more appealing in a visual sense. Aside of the shaders/bloom seem a tad too bright. Oh wait, that's a tweak.
I'm hopeful by the time v2.0 comes around, LM has incorporated a lot of these tweaks we keep having to do into the drop down selections within.

It looks like I have more adjusting to do. It will be nice when the creator of Nvidia Inspector gives us a profile for it's intention. Merging profiles with FSX works, but, having to reset NI when jumping from sim to sim is going to get to be a headache. It already is. In the mean time I need to run get some more Tylenol. :icon_lol:

Much appreciated for the input, Dave. :salute:
I ask this same question over at Avsim : see #6 and #7 . Even I understood the instructions from "Jean-Paul" . He made it very simple and easy to understand .



That's what I was wanting to know!! Creating the profile specifically for Prepar3d (instead of both EXE's linked together) allows the control I was wanting. Considering the code has been refined.

Rich, much appreciated for the tips here. :salute: