O/T Combat Airmen



Looking back at the threads from the last couple of days, I was reflecting on the multinational nature of this forum, and it got me thinking...

I flew combat missions over an unnamed middle eastern country off and on for much of the last 15 years. During that time, I flew with Brits, Canadians, Germans, Italians, and yes even the French. And I gotta be honest with you, when everything was going "pear-shaped" as our Brit cousins would say, I didn't give a damn about nationality- only thing that mattered was if I could count on these guys to cover my back. Flying together, we shared a collective risk and had a collective responsibility to one another.

I was fortunate to continue the great relationships with our international partners after I moved on from flying. To this day, I'm proud and grateful to work directly with British and Canadian folks for the common good. Sure, we've got differences of opinion, and we don't always agree on things, but we're united on the important matters- the rest, as they say, is details.

I hate to ramble, but I see the same unity of purpose (more or less) on this forum- we're all here due to our love of flight sims and all things aviation, and are united in our common purpose of collectively improving a game we love. I simply ask that one and all maintain the same spirit of "Allies" as we continue.

My thanks to all the modders, all the researchers, the mods, and everyone who reads this without rolling their eyes. A special thanks to anyone who's serving or has served to defend what we hold dear. And to those who've fired shots in anger, no words can express my thanks, and I hope it left no marks (I've got plenty).

Keep turnin' and burnin'
love to hear more details if you can or will on your flying stories and what you flew, as an interested simmer for such


You'll find its rare that a moderator needs ta step in...
All 'n all an amazing group, this!!!:ernae::ernae:
I flew EA-6Bs and ES-3As...some of the best and worst times of my life. I've got a permanent reminder in the form of a 6" scar and a steel plate in my neck from a bad landing, and an absolute hatred for high pitched beeping noises. We'd take off from a 130 degree flight deck and climb till it was below zero outside - so you'd sweat gallons until you got to altitude, then you shivered until you got back and ready to land (when you sweated again)...and that was the good days- there were plenty of days when I was sweating from start to finish.
I always assumed that those anti G/flight suits had some sort 'a temp control....(?)

and also, got any photos you'd be allowed to post??
It would be so cool to recreate your carrier experiences in sim... like mebbe SF or SF2??
Well, the flight suits are just cloth, and the "speed jeans" (g-suits) are there to force the blood back into your torso- not really all that warm. Cockpit heat is a joke. But I digress...
I'll try to scan in some photos for you, as for missions, that would be cool if you're interested- what would you like to know and how detailed do you need it? I've got my logs, there's some after-action reports, stuff like that. Can't get completely accurate...