I was looking at the WWII dl's on SF2 and no 4 engine bombers; at least on the combat ace site. No Ju88's IIRC.
How would you rate it as a WWII sin cf CFS3 and CFS2?? Is it in anyway complete? (missions, scenery, effects,vehicles, etc.)
I wouldn't really. Most of the WW2 aircraft are pretty rough compared to what we've got in CFS3, and even compared with CFS2, it's not brilliant for ww2. If you look at the screenshots I posted above, they show some of the few decent WW2 aircraft we've got. The Spitfires are stock MkIXs (although there is a MkI made from the PD model we have in CFS3, but it needs the work it got for the recent CFS3 updated version) and there are P-51Ds, S-99/S-199s - Bf109g-14AS to you lot! - and Spitfires MkXIV, XVIII, 19, 22 and 24. Some other top-rate addons are available, but often have inadequate cockpits compared to the stuff we have here. Other aircraft tend to be a bit outdated, and many don't run well in SF2 (as opposed to SF1) Others are single-LOD and cause stuttering and FPS-drops.
With the kind of work we see here for CFS3, that could be changed, although SF2 requires 3DS MAX rather than GMAX. 3DS MAX is expensive...
Piston engine management is inexistent - no mixture, pitch or boost controls, no engine torque and so forth. Plus, damage profiles are more simplistic, as a jet hit by a Sidewinder tends to get big bits knocked off it, while gnawing away at an enemy with .303 Brownings takes a bit more modelling. Plus each single bullet is modelled, so if you have a MkI Spitfire or a flight of He111s opening fire, you can imagine what happens to your frame rates... And you have no bombsights, no real maps that you can really do a Bomber Command mission from, no effective Flak, and the list goes on.
The good bit is for fighter dogfighting, where as I said, they really do try their best to get you. But that goes for IL-2 as well, and IL-2 does other things too.
SF2 is brilliant for post-Korean War period fighting however. If you want to fly a Phantom or a Skyhawk, with guided weaponry, working radar, threat receivers and SAMs, then SF2 is absolutely the thing. Just it does best what it's designed to do best...