O/T Gmail problems


Charter Member 2016
I've been using gmail for years and until recently, it was really easy to send pretty big files - 7-8,000KB - through the post. Now though, they stick and take ages - sometimes 20 minutes, where before it was a matter of two or three. I'm still using the same ISP, the same contract, modem, system, OS and everything else.

Has anybody else had this?
As a test I just sent myself (two addresses) a 5 MB file. After attaching it it took around two minutes to upload, the actual sending took around ten seconds. Sounds quite normal. Have you possibly changed your firewall settings to scan outgoing traffic more closely? Running http://www.speedtest.net is also useful every now and then. Your ISP may be playing tricks on you.
Mine generally takes a lot longer than that!

Speedtest gives: Ping 88ms, Download 2.09MBs and upload 0.14MBs.

How does that compare? Upload looks a bit... sluggish, to my ignorant eye!

8.88 is best for where I live, it says...
It means that your upload is slower than a tired snail. I have 0.88 download and 0.43 MB upload, not bad as I'm paying for 1M/512k. Even if you had that speed during the entire 8 MB upload it would take...

(8/5)x(0.43/0.14) = a hair less than five times it takes for me to upload the 5 MB file so at least ten minutes. Add possible slowdowns and you might well be looking at the 20 minutes mark. In other words, Gmail is probably fine but your ISP needs a good verbal beating unless you're paying for something like 3M/256k and even then it would be underperforming.