Sad to see that there fewer and fewer with us now. These were very brave men,but when you think of it,there were a lot heroes in that self -sacrifice time in history. Just not the same caliber of people anymore . Respectfully saddened at the lost in so many WWII veterans in our life time .I remember times my Grandfather would go visit people Sunday after church and took me with him.I met several veterans of WW1 and WW2 lots of times and some, but not all ,would tell stories of the battles they fought. I listened and learned a lot about WW1 and WW2 that no school book ever came close to teaching.I have friends, that are college grads, that don't know who the Axis and Allies were in WWII,much less WWI !! Revisionist history is the thing now for education in the USA. Those who do not know history are bound to repeat it.