O/T The Windows 7 hate thread...


Charter Member 2016
This bloody W7 system is moronic.

I can't do half the things I used to do with XP, the context menu doesn't work, none of the "extract here" functions in the context menu work in the right hand part of Explorer so instead of highlighting a load of files and clicking "extract here" you have to do them one by one while clicking on them in the left hand panel of Explorer, all this arsing about with permissions is driving me mental as it's my flaming computer and if I want to kak it up, that's my problem, and I'VE HAD MY BLOODY LOT!

If anybody knows how to make this nanny-state abortion sufficiently user-friendly that I don't have to show my ID every time I want to install or change a program, please tell me...
Just wait till you see windows 8!:banghead: The windows 7 permissions were a pain until I figured out how to disable them (sorry, I've forgotten how. That wretched chapter of my life has been permanently suppressed). Once you get past that, windows 7 is actually a pretty nice OS.
LOL, beat me to it!

You said 'nanny...' and that means 'User Account Control'. Really not recommended
by many, but, I turned mine right down to "Never Notify" and "leave me alone"!

That was the only way I could make my Win7 'feel' like good old XP. Then found out
there's no specular shine with it because it doesn't use DirectX 8. But, we have
a good crew working on that.... :)
Thanks! I finally found that one out... Done.

And I've spend half the evening messing about with Regedit adding right-click context menu options, such as "Edit with Photoshop" - those who know me will understand how essential that one is. In XP, it took seconds to set up.
The UAC is a confounded nuisance, but like the others I leave the blighter off. You would also find a way around many of its irritations by not installing to Program Files (x86) or Program Files folders: these are the ones the UAC really rules with a rod of iron, spiked and barbed like a nightmare from first person combat titles.

It's worth persevering with 7 now that's off, and learning about permissions if you run into other difficulties. Unlike XP, 7 starts off with permission to do anything turned off and you grant permissions as appropriate. This is nothing new, Unix and other sandal-wearing OSes have been like that for decades and bearded geeks mocked MS for leaving its products wide open to the world. Malicious kids and twisted types have changed all that.

You'll like 7 Nigel, it really is a grown-up, capable OS and a worthy successor to XP: I loved that but I won't go back to XP now by choice.
Hm. Not convinced... I've got it doing more or less what I want, right-click context menus, proper quick launch bar, classic Windows appearance, etc, so now the next target is this dreadful Documents folder which seems to consist only of shortcuts to things I don't have access to... Why do simple when you can do complicted?
... next target is this dreadful Documents folder which seems to consist only of shortcuts to things I don't have access to... Why do simple when you can do complicted?

There's more than a baby in that bathwater you'd like to discard, Nigel! Look above the Documents 'folder' and you'll see the word Libraries: this is one of my favourite features in Win7:-


Libraries are like shortcuts, but a lot smarter than XP shortcuts, take the Tempest library in the above screenshot for example. If I expand that I get :-


So the Tempest library includes shortcuts to the Gmax models, the model folder in my ETO installation and the mapping folder of textures for the model. Big fat hairy deal, shortcuts are nothing new – except these shortcuts are available in the file system in almost any application.



Photoshop CS2 and Gmax are both software written without Windows 7 compatibility, but both will use Library shortcuts when opening or saving files. The same is true for umpteen different packages. You can set up a Library entry for a project which includes folders from all over your HD, multiple HDs or across a network and all are easily accessible via the same Library object. When a project is complete the Library can be deleted and the data/files/bitmaps etc all stay where they were.

In XP I used to have a bunch of shortcuts on the desktop for quick access, but run many projects simultaneously and the desktop gets messy, very messy. Libraries make them easy to organise and keep them off the desktop.
Well, that baby has gone out with the bathwater! I deleted the shortcuts to My Music, etc, because if I can't open them on my own machine over which I have full rights, then they're no bloody use to anybody. The libraries folder now has only direct-access files in it - wait and see if I bother to learn how the rest works!
I have had my Win 7 machine only a few months, I do like it .
Win 7 takes some earning needless to say.
I Quickly set it up with administrator/security rights for all my files and folders so no problem there.

I use the classic view in my control panel in Win 7, and for the desktop..

have all my shortcuts set up now, and all my CFS3 sims (expansions) up and working
Have WOFF loaded and working also..

Still learning here about Win 7, slowly I will add..
I m still thinking of setting up One Hard drive for XP.
But I will wait on this.

Because WOFF has wonderful Shine on Aircraft in this now for Win7
And this is being developed for the other CFS3 based Expansions, I may not load a XP hard drive.
I am Not a G-maxer, nor do I have the skills to do much else.
So not having XP is not the issue for me it is for Modellers and developers, have getting the needed programs for this working in Win 7 or Win 8
Greetings all,

I've been running CFS 2 and FSX in Windows 7 for the last two and half years without problems until I recently installed CFS 3. None of the larger add-on bombers as well as the stock B-26 show up in free flight, and missions with these aircraft refuse to load. CFS 3 worked correctly on my old machine with XP.

I don't know if this problem has been previously dealt with, but any help would be appreciated.


Greetings all,

I've been running CFS 2 and FSX in Windows 7 for the last two and half years without problems until I recently installed CFS 3. None of the larger add-on bombers as well as the stock B-26 show up in free flight, and missions with these aircraft refuse to load. CFS 3 worked correctly on my old machine with XP.

I don't know if this problem has been previously dealt with, but any help would be appreciated.



kdriver, you need the 3.1 and 3.1a updates.

Fly the sim once, install 3.1 (the larger), then fly again and shut down, then install 3.1a (the smaller), fly again and you are ready to go. :)

Here: http://www.sim-outhouse.com/sohforums/local_links.php?catid=13

You will need CFS3 Update v3.1.zip and CFS3 Aircraft Update v3.1a.zip.

Combat Flight Simulator 3 Terrain SDK - Public Beta v2.0.zip and Combat Flight Simulator 3 Mission Builder SDK v1.0.zip, and Mission Editing SDK.zip are also welcome.

Don't forget for Windows 7, be sure to run these as administrator.

Thanks grizzly50,

I had installed these updates but I re-installed them for good measure - still no luck. The pilot sitting on the crates doesn't show up as well by the way.

I might have to re-install CFS 3.
Run cfs3config.exe and untick 'Disable UI Animations': that will restore the pilot chappie.
Thanks hairyspin, that solved that one.

Still no luck with my big bombers. There seems to be a problem with my CD, as the game won't run from it anymore.
From memory, I think you can run with the other CD in the drive.

No luck there, so I'm using the unmentionable {unmentionable}. I'll have to live without the heavies. Over Flanders Fields has turned into a total disaster with Win 7 - I'll have to make my own WW1 install.

Thanks for your help.

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