O/T U.S. Civics Test



Here's a quiz on American civics. More than 71% who take it score an "F" (less than 60% correct). The average score is 49% among the general population. Government officials actually scored lower (44%!).:eek:

I got a 96.97% (32 out of 33). But then, again, I was a history major in college. And on a closer reading of the one I missed, I should have chosen the other answer, which would have given me a 100%.


Post your scores (if you dare!). Non-U.S. citizens can take it, too, just to see if you're smarter about us than we are.:isadizzy:
You answered 29 out of 33 correctly — 87.88 %
Average score for this quiz during December: 75.1%
Average score: 75.1%

High school grad, 1967
American history and US Civics were my favorite classes after auto shop.

Yes, I'm a political junkie, right wing Conservative.:kilroy:
Here's a quiz on American civics. More than 71% who take it score an "F" (less than 60% correct). The average score is 49% among the general population. Government officials actually scored lower (44%!).:eek:

I got a 96.97% (32 out of 33). But then, again, I was a history major in college. And on a closer reading of the one I missed, I should have chosen the other answer, which would have given me a 100%.


Post your scores (if you dare!). Non-U.S. citizens can take it, too, just to see if you're smarter about us than we are.:isadizzy:

I'm with you jarhead. Only missed one myself.

The saddenning thing is how poorly college instructors, and students, and even politicians did. My 16 year old daughter isn't a history buff like I am, and she got a something like a 77.
29 of 33

lot of conservative economic theory passing as 'civics' info there....
30 out of 33 for 90.91%. One I missed was because I miss read the question. The other was because I never really studied Plato or Socrates. And finally I thought all the answers applied to the Puritans :icon_lol: Still not bad for only a high school education and that being 30 years ago.

19 out of 33 - 58%, but I'm not American, I'm from Hungary, Europe, and I'm 24. Re-checking the questions and answers I could have done better though :(
28 out of 33. I feel good. The ones I missed were subjective as a lot of the questions were. But, if you're a U.S. Citizen, you had to miss a lot of 'ought to know' stuff to fail. An uneducated electorate is dangerous esp. coupled with an uneducated legislature.
You answered 26 out of 33 correctly — 78.79 %

Not too bad for a Canadian I guess. Also I misread a couple. High school & technical college grad. Living on the border we pick up a lot of American History by osmosis. American TV and newspapers dominate in our area.

I did it very quickly at work and got 21 out of 33 63.6%. I am Greek so I got the Plato/Aristotel question right at least. All the rest answered from general knowledge. Also I do not have any relatives in the states.

Nice quiz, thanks for sharing.
You answered 28 out of 33 correctly — 84.85 %

I'm a little disappointed in myself, I can't believe I missed the Gettysburg address question.
Well I guess I might as well admit it..... I only got 25 out of 33. 75%.:isadizzy: I never did do very well with the civics dept. Although I did extremely well in all the other areas of my history classes. What are the teaching us damned kids these days anyway?:costumes:

You answered 26 out of 33 correctly — 78.79 %

could be worse could be better