Oculus Rift


I have ordered it at the exorbitant price :beguiled: and wanted to know if anyone else had and what they think about it for CFS3. Got it for Falcon BMS and sims requiring real life kind of a/c operation. I know I will have to update my video card; the PC spec requirements are quite high! It would be nice though if could be used on older sims like CFS3.
Not sure of anything at the moment.:wiggle: Will have to wait and see after it's been available for a while. All i know so far is I'll have to upgrade my video card.
Hi James, am interested to hear how it goes, I've been waiting all these flight simming years for an affordable VR set, has to be the way to go for ultimate immersion!

My only concern is that you need 'clickable' cockpits and a representation of your hands on screen. From what I've seen of the Oculus one you can do this but the floating ghost-like hands look awful!
Clive one reason I'm keen to see how it works is that I'm looking at BMS Falcon 4.33 which is a serious update of the old Microprose Falcon 4 F-16 sim, which is very realistic similar to FSX but combat and almost fully clickable pit. A very steep learning curve!! Not even clear on the ramp start yet.:banghead: I have a feeling thought that these old games won't be able to use the full potential of VR; we'll see.
There's a program called Vorp X, It emulates mouse movement with head movement in CV1 / Vive and you can play all games in "Sub" 3d.

Try it out!
In the end I cancelled my order. My son has one and I have seen Prepar3D (new FSX) using it but even that only beta and no way to use controls. So frankly TrackIR5 and Ankor will do for now.
You can get a program called Flyinside for FSX and P3D which allows you to use all controls and access menus etc with the Rift or Vive.

I was disappointed Rise Of Flight has no VR support, and I'm not sure about CFS3. DCS World is unbelievable with the Rift, and definitely makes getting it worthwhile.

Thanks I'll pass that on. CFS3 is so old I doubt there will ever be support for VR. I've looked at DCS World but haven't actually installed it yet. Too much else happening!

JackMorris I'll look at Vorp X as I may get VR eventually!