Of general interest

Nice find, thanks for sharing. Some of them looks really good and the pilots look even younger in these clourised photos.
It was interesting to see the range of finishes on the aircraft. Most were very dull/matte, but one or two looked nicely polished.
MajorMagee, it is not that I know anything better (or want to argue :) ) but I think colorized photos are a bad reference for shine.

Early B/W film was very sensitive to blue and UV light causing blue sky to appear solid white (is it a reason of perpetual overcast in WWI photos?). And I believe this issue tricks our perception of the photo when we try to imagine it in color. Thus it is possible that the artist who added colors may have misinterpreted the source.
When I worked on my shaders I noticed that many materials in real life are more reflective than we think (we just know that they are supposed to be matte, so we just ignore what our eyes see), however this reflectivity is quite difficult to show in game without reflections looking exaggerated. Modern game engines like UE4 do a very good job at it and still often appear artificial anyway.

Though as I say I don't argue that WW2 aircrafts were most likely painted matte and probably very close to what is shown in these photos.

By the way, people in color photos indeed look younger than in b/w (and I'm not old enough to often say anybody looks young :) ).