OFF and Sopwith Strutter


Charter Member
Hello. New to to CFS 3/OFF. Upon loading the game, I get an error message regarding the Sopwith Strutter (both vatiants). Should it be loaded into the game? I do not get this error with ETO or just CFS3. Please advise. Thank you. :help:
"The Sopwith Strutter did not load properly and will be unavailable", or somthing close to that. I checked the Strutter folder and all seems well. All sub folders included. The .cfg looks okay. That is why I was not sure if it is supposed to be available in game. I do not remember adding it to CFS-3.
Not meaning to sound like your doing anything bad or not, but do you have a legal copy of the game? If not, that is the problem. If you do, did you fly CFS3 before installing OFF? I know this personally because I had a pirated version of the game and it gave me this same error.
So does the game crash or do you hit "ok" and it goes on?
Yes, I have run CFS3 many times. I did add some add-on missions and a plane or two. Do I need to REALLY use a completely fresh, unmodded install of CFS3? Other than this issue, the game works spot on. One of my R.E. buddies gave a DVD copy of OFF2. Could not find it on the internet anywhere. Just OFF3. $50.00 is a little steep for me right now. :faint:
That error is common when installing OFF onto an unpatched CFS3 install or by using the 3.0 nocd on a 3.1 patched game.

Either reinstall over a CFS3 ver 3.1 or get hold of the 3.1 nocd
Re-install did not work. Hate to say it, tried the nocd thing instead of the old disk, and presto, it works. (renamed as shell.exe in OFF). How strange. Never thought there would be glitches related to MicroSoft products :p

ps. My Ebay copy od CFS3 was CHEAP. Guess I got what I paid for. Whats that? I hear Weird Al.
PSS. I think it was a CD issue as I was not using said nocd. I did try the 3.1 nocd and it works great, as I said. I wish this stuff would work right without the questionable work arounds.
:applause:OK...Cleaned it ALL off the system 12 ways to Sunday and used the DVD so generously sent to me by SittingDuck, and all is well. No wierdness, runs as it should. Thank you SittingDuck and all who made suggestions!!!
I guess if I had slowed down and read enough, I would have found out about the Strutter issue being an issue per the known issues. If you know what I mean.