A great renewal of CFS3, but after Forgotten Battles it just doesn't work for me. I'll sell for $35 US, $5 to send by mail or more if you want it fast. Drop me a note at combat@combatplanes.ca
Not familiar with FB, but, if you're not into WWI, then it's not for you
To each their own eh?
Yeah, FB spoiled me so I'll swap to the Knights of the Sky forums.. its based on the same engine.
A great renewal of CFS3, but after Forgotten Battles it just doesn't work for me. I'll sell for $35 US, $5 to send by mail or more if you want it fast. Drop me a note at combat@combatplanes.ca
Only the recomended system spec has been posted. Not the minimum.Make sure you check out the system requirements for RoF. They're pretty hefty. If you're having problems running OFF Phase 2 or BHaH, you can pretty much forget about RoF without an upgrade.
Ironically, I'm not a RoF "fanboi", I'm a WWI sim fanboi.
I spend my time on Simhq defending OFF and my time here defending RoF.
What I like to see is accurate info given out on both. To tell people that if they are struggling with OFF they'll not be able to run RoF is a negative input and incorrect. If someone is struggling to run OFF they will struggle to run RoF in exactly the same way.
Both have their place in this world and that place is on my HDD.
If you don't want to buy RoF, for whatever reason that is fine. To try and influence others with inaccurate info is not.