OFF Manager Error



Hello Gents,

I just finished installing the new update and flew QC for a dogfight after loosing my way in the rain and crashing I exited the game and the OFF Manager had an error message which goes like this:

User Aircraft data file Error for EOR Check = EOR Record number 24

I click OK and than this:

X:\OBDSoftware\CFSWW1 Over Flanders Fields\Campaigns\CampaignData\BritainAircraft.txt Total Records 23Lines Per Record:30

I click OK and than this:

Fatal Error Reading File: X:\OBDSoftware\CFSWW1 Over Flanders Fields\Campaigns\CampaignData\BritainAircraft.txt - Suggest Reinstalling OFF...

I click OK and back to main menu.

What do you guys think should I reinstall or would there be an easy fix to this.

Well lets see the date is 24/12/1916 Autumn It was raining in the morning.

Flying for Britain In 54 RFC Located at : St-Omer. I was flying a Spad VII
Started at 5000 feet flying against an Albatros DII.

Ok thanks, if you choose the same date and squad, and those craft does it do it now still?
I went ahead and reloaded OFF...If it happens again I will get back to this thread...Thank You
