OFF P2 Skins



Is there any place to download some new skins for P2? Also is there a patch or something I am missing for p2? I keep getting skin errors for the aces in the game.
Just turn off warnings in the workshop page and those messages should go away.
Just turn off warnings in the workshop page and those messages should go away.

Ok thanks. I guess the errors are normal then? I'm looking for a new DR1 skin mostly, anyone got anything they can send my way?
yes install the skins pack and then turn off warnings. They aren't errors they are warnings that the skins requested by a squad is not there (i.e have not been made yet in P2). Then you can see that squads are not always flying correct skin.

P3 has a lot more :) and better.
I saw you helping a lot with sending DVD's to many people.
PM me your E-mail adress, and tell me, what colours the skin should show, and perhaps an emblem/sign; i can make you one within the next days.

PS: but, as POL says - there'll be a lot more beauties showing perfect skin in "Between Heaven and Hell".
I could also send you a blue and white Dr.1 if you want. Just PM me and let me know. My feelings arent gonna be hurt if you take Olham up on his offer though. His skins are great!
